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Se agregan cargos contra la pareja que obligó a dos adolescentes a permanecer desnudos afuera, encontrados en condiciones potencialmente mortales 

La Oficina del Fiscal de Distrito del Condado Lehigh ha anunciado cargos adicionales contra Joshua Dechant, de 36 años, y su esposa, Tracy Dechant, de 42 años.La pareja enfrenta cargos de abuso en Lower Macungie por no alimentar a sus…

Student Co-op seeks candidates for Board of Directors

Petitions are currently being accepted for next month’s election which determines the student representatives on the Student Co-op Association’s Board of Directors, and all undergraduate students are encouraged to consider running in the election.

Audit finds Pennsylvania cyber charter schools amassed excessive reserves

A three-year audit shows five of Pennsylvania’s cyber charter schools amassed excessive reserves following rapid enrollment growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating the need to change the way tuition is paid for online students. State Auditor General Timothy DeFoor’s office…