Before yesterday
READING, Pa. - Un nuevo programa está disponible para ayudar a personas que tienen deudas de 200 dólares o más con la Autoridad de Estacionamiento de Reading. Los beneficios incluyen descuentos, eliminación de cargos por pagos atrasados, planes de pagos…
Montoursville, Pa. — The Montoursville Area School District has announced that by the end of the month, they will implement new artificial intelligence software designed to detect firearms through their security cameras.
La Oficina del Fiscal de Distrito del Condado Lehigh ha anunciado cargos adicionales contra Joshua Dechant, de 36 años, y su esposa, Tracy Dechant, de 42 años.La pareja enfrenta cargos de abuso en Lower Macungie por no alimentar a sus…
CONDADO BUCKS, Pa .-Un instructorr de piano del condado Bucks enfrenta cargos por presuntamente abusar sexualmente de cuatro alumnos durante sus clases.
(The Center Square) – House Democrats are launching an investigation into what they see as unlawful removals of corruption guardrails in the federal government by the Trump administration.
Joshua y Tracy Dechant enfrentan cargos adicionales después de que los investigadores descubrieron que estaban sometiendo a dos adolescentes a castigos crueles y abusivos.
Randy Donato ha sido arrestado por conducir en estado de ebriedad después de que la policía investigara un accidente ocurrido en el municipio de Bethlehem. El accidente provocó la muerte de Nicole Guzmán.
La TSA afirma que un hombre del condado de Lebanon fue citado por la policía el jueves después de que agentes de la TSA en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Lehigh Valley (ABE) interceptaron un arma en el puesto de control…
TSA states that a Lebanon County, Pa., man was cited by police Thursday, after TSA officers at Lehigh Valley International Airport, intercepted a gun at the airport security checkpoint.
The Lehigh County District Attorney's Office has announced additional charges against the Dechant couple, who allegedly neglected and abused of a pair of juveniles in their care.
Petitions are currently being accepted for next month’s election which determines the student representatives on the Student Co-op Association’s Board of Directors, and all undergraduate students are encouraged to consider running in the election.
A three-year audit shows five of Pennsylvania’s cyber charter schools amassed excessive reserves following rapid enrollment growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating the need to change the way tuition is paid for online students. State Auditor General Timothy DeFoor’s office…