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Ira Madison III on growing up in Milwaukee and why you should watch β€˜Survivor’

5 March 2025 at 11:00

Milwaukee born-and-raised writer and pop culture critic Ira Madison III has a new book that tells the story of his life through the lens of one of his greatest obsessions: pop culture.

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Quadrillions of invasive mussels are damaging the Great Lakes, documentary shows

28 February 2025 at 17:47

Since the late 1990s, the lake whitefish population has declined as much as 80 percent in parts of the Great Lakes. The culprit is a tiny invasive species called the quagga mussel.

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The relationship between the gut and brain has an effect on addiction, disease and behavior

13 February 2025 at 18:50

Two researchers recently joined WPR’s β€œWisconsin Today” to talk about how our gut microbiomes can influence us in good and bad ways.Β 

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