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How Medicaid fuels an economic engine for caregivers, family members and patients

By: Erik Gunn

Personal care worker Nate Walker demonstrates how he uses a hand-powered hydraulic lieft and a sling to help Mike Jones into and out of his bed. Walker is one of thousands of personal care workers in Wisconsin whose jobs are made possible by Medicaid coverage of home care for people who are eledrly and frail or who have disabilities. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

As Congress cuts spending, Medicaid is looking like a potential target. A three-part series on how the health insurance plan for the poor touches Wisconsin residents.

At the age of 54, Mike Jones has spent a lifetime having to depend on others for meals and personal care.

Nate Walker is one of them. Walker visits Jones and other clients several times a week, helping with tasks that may include showering, getting people out of bed and meal preparation. He offers companionship as well.

Jones has cerebral palsy, an accident of birth, he says, when his oxygen was momentarily cut off. He requires a motorized chair to get around. Walker and other personal care aides who assist Jones use a hydraulic lift in his bedroom, along with a special sling, to help Jones in and out of his bed.

A Medicaid long-term care program allows Jones to live on his own in an apartment. “I am incredibly lucky,” Jones says, because unlike some of his fellow CP patients, his intellectual and cognitive skills were not impaired.  

He’s also lucky because he can feed himself, he says. Jones has met other patients who must use a feeding tube. Nevertheless, his food has to be prepared for him. Among his favorite dishes: pasta with parmesan cheese, capers and a white wine sauce that Walker makes. 

“I rely on Nate for everything you take for granted,” Jones tells a visitor. “Without the help, I’d be stuck in bed, and I’d be in the care of my elderly parents. It would be a very, very bad situation.”

For Walker, the wage is modest — about $15 an hour — but he finds the work rewarding. “I feel lucky to be able to help people for a living,” Walker says. “Helping people makes me feel better.”

Walker works for Community Living Alliance (CLA), a nonprofit that serves 11 counties in South Central Wisconsin. CLA provides care services at home for about 400 clients, most of them in Dane County, says Patti Becker, CLA’s director of program operations.

Walker is one of more than 320 employees at CLA, and CLA is just one of some 30,000 businesses in Wisconsin providing home care for the elderly and people with disabilities, Becker says. Some of those businesses might have just one or two self-employed people, while others have a sizable workforce.

An economic engine

Congress is preparing to follow through on a budget resolution enacted late last month that calls for $880 billion in cuts over 10 years from programs overseen by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Medicaid is the single largest of that committee’s programs, and the size of potential cuts has patients, providers and health care policy analysts all wary about the outcome.

Much of their concert surrounds people who get health care — from a doctor’s visit to long-term care in a nursing home or at home — from the Medicaid program. Advocates also point out that by addressing people’s health Medicaid bolsters the broader economy as well.

Medicaid pays for nursing home care for more than half of all residents living in them. LeadingAge Wisconsin is a trade association for Wisconsin nursing homes, including those run by county governments and nonprofit organizations; its members also include assisted living homes, some of which have residents who get long-term care covered by Medicaid under Wisconsin’s home- and community-based Family Care program.

“Medicaid is the only program that pays for long-term care support,” says Lisa Davidson, LeadingAge Wisconsin’s executive director.

“Regardless of their location, their size and their services, Medicaid is a significant source of revenue to all of our members,” she adds. “And anything that would change the support that Medicaid provides would be extremely, extremely concerning — not only for the people that are receiving care now, but those that will need it in the future.”

Medicaid also pays for home care workers and supports clinics that serve low-income people, including those without insurance. By supporting people with disabilities, it can enable some of them to hold jobs themselves, or enable their family members to work outside the home.

Roughly 90,000 Wisconsinites work in the home care sector. “About $15 million a year of Medicaid dollars goes out in services and wages for the people who provide those services,” Becker says. “If you remove that wage amount from the economy, you’ll have a ripple effect there very similar to losing any other wage source.”

Forging stable health care relationships

Medicaid is a principal source of revenue for federally supported community health centers. And by covering their routine health costs, it enables patients to develop an ongoing relationship with a health care provider who can help them address illness more quickly, those providers say.

“When you don’t have health insurance, what do you do? You forgo necessary treatment. You put things on hold. You don’t access your preventive care,” says Patricia Sarvela, chief development officer at Partnership Community Health Center in Wisconsin’s Fox Valley.

Instead, patients may end up going to a hospital emergency room, “or having a preventable hospitalization and ultimately ending up with poor health outcomes,” she adds. “And when people are sick and not well, they don’t thrive in school, in their job, in life.”

Partnership Community Health has clinics in Winnebago, Outagamie and Waupaca counties. In addition to primary care, including pediatric care, the organization offers dental care and treatment for mental health and substance abuse.

It’s one of 19 community health center organizations in Wisconsin, operating in 60 locations across the state. The centers provide health care free or on a sliding scale for people without insurance with incomes up to 200% of the federal poverty guideline. The centers also have patients enrolled in BadgerCare Plus, Wisconsin’s Medicaid program for primary health care.

“Unlike some other types of health care organizations, community health centers are required to provide care regardless of insurance status,” says Richelle Andrae, associate director of government relations for the Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association, which represents the centers.

According to Andrae, 55% of the Wisconsin centers’ patients are enrolled in Medicaid, but Medicaid accounts for 73% of their revenue. The centers “would not be able to maintain the same level of care or expand the way they have without that revenue stream,” Andrae says.

A link to the work world

Julie Strenn is the president and CEO of Opportunity Development Centers Inc., based in Wisconsin Rapids. The business employs workers who provide personal care such as cooking or cleaning for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities who are living at home or in the community in long-term care.

ODC also has a staff of job developers — coaches and counselors who work with some of the same clients, enabling them to take jobs in the community. When a person is hired, Strenn says, the job developer may continue the relationship, so an employee can navigate difficulties that come up at work — a change in supervisor, for instance.

ODC’s current clients include about 400 people who are looking for jobs and 250 who are employed — “working for all kinds of businesses in the community,” Strenn says. “They’re employees that are needed in the community, sharing their gifts and talents.”

Job search assistance is funded through the state’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Clients who have a job and receive ongoing support include people who are enrolled in Family Care or IRIS — Medicaid programs that cover long-term care services for people living at home or in the community.

More than 80 clients who are working have had their jobs for six years or longer, Strenn says, and another 100 have been working from two to five years.

“The work we do is proof that Medicaid dollars are supporting individuals with disabilities to be taxpayers, working and living in their local communities,” Strenn says. It also enables family members who would be responsible as caregivers full time to hold jobs themselves.

More fulfillment at lower cost

Providing skilled care at home costs on average about $4,250 a month, Becker says — less than half the $10,000-a-month cost of living in a nursing home.

And it’s a fraction of the $45,000 a month that the state spends for every resident living in a center for people with developmental disabilities, she says. The figures are included in a recent publication by the Survival Coalition, a group of organizations that serve the interests of people with disabilities.

Yet the role that this sort of support plays is often invisible. “When we do community services well, which is what Wisconsin tries to do, you don’t notice them,” Becker says.

Danielle Tolzmann is the executive director of Family Voices of Wisconsin, an advocacy group for families of children with disabilities. Medicaid support for those families ripples through the economy, she says.

“Some of those Medicaid-rooted supports allow families to have two parents working,” Tolzmann says — typically one full time and one part time. “If the supports that allow the parent to work part time were to disappear, the work environments would lose that employee. They would have to shift gears and become 110% caregiver.”

In this 2014 photo, Phillip Redman leaves his home for a day of appointments with clients whose documents he shreds. Accompanying him is his IRIS-funded caregiver, Kris Ann Domino. (Photo courtesy of Rich and Harriet Redman)

Phillip Redman is 32 years old and lives with his parents, Harriet and Rich, in Appleton. Diagnosed with cerebral palsy as an infant, Phillip has rare abnormalities in his genetic makeup and his brain.

Although doctors assumed he would never walk, his family says, Phillip learned to walk at the age of 10. His care was supported by Medicaid through the Katie Beckett waiver, which enables children who need intensive long-term care to receive that care at home instead of in an institution. At age 18, he was enrolled in one of Wisconsin’s Medicaid-funded long-term care programs for adults with disabilities, IRIS.

Had those programs not been available for Phillip, “the ultimate result would have probably been a nursing home or some type of institution,” Harriet Redman says. “That’s not physically or financially beneficial to people with disabilities or their families.”

It was in high school that a teacher saw Phillip was fascinated by the noise of a paper shredder, his parents recall.

“He loves the sound of the garbage disposal,” Rich Redman says. “It becomes an incentive for him to do things.”

With the support of the care professionals that worked with Phillip as he grew up, his family hit upon a way that Phillip “could be involved in the community,” Harriet says: Offering his services as a freelance operator of a shredding service.

The result was a small business that the family named “ShhRedman and Co.” With a caregiver, Phillip goes around to a half-dozen offices on his client list and shreds documents that are to be disposed of. The name is a pun both on the nature of the business and on Phillip’s ability to keep confidential the contents of the papers he shreds, since he neither reads nor speaks, his parents explain.

His enrollment in the IRIS home care program keeps him healthier, they say.

“When he’s inactive and more isolated he doesn’t feel as well,” Harriet says. “He gets stiff and more disabled.” The result is better care at less expense than if he were to be in a nursing home — but also greater freedom for the whole family, she says.

Without Medicaid-funded caregivers, “families, us included, would be even more dependent on support from the government,” she says. “It’s part of a sensible economy if you can keep people working and keep people active.”

This story is Part Two in a series. Read Part One: Wisconsin patients, families are wary as Congress prepares for Medicaid surgery

On Tuesday, Part Three reports on how Congress might try to target Medicaid cuts, and the likely impacts those would have.


Wisconsin patients, families are wary as Congress prepares for Medicaid surgery

By: Erik Gunn

Max Glass-Hui uses an electronic communication device, picking words that the device then speaks to his mother, Tiffany Glass. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

As Congress cuts spending, Medicaid is looking like a potential target. A three-part series on how the health insurance plan for the poor touches Wisconsin residents.

Max Glass-Hui is an energetic 14-year-old who romps through the modest home on Madison’s West Side where he lives with his mother.

Born with Down syndrome and diagnosed as autistic, Max can read words and understand what’s spoken to him, but he doesn’t talk. Instead, he communicates with an electronic device about the size of an iPad, pressing words that the machine then speaks on his behalf. “Good-bye,” he tells his mother through the machine one recent morning, as she sits with him in his bedroom.

Tiffany Glass smiles affably, acknowledges her son’s assertion of independence, and steps out of the room.

Their interaction isn’t so different from those any number of parents and children have every day. For this parent and this child, however, it might have seemed unimaginable a generation ago.

Not so long ago, a child like Max was likely to spend his life inside the walls of an institution. Changes in social attitudes, medical ethics, and state and federal policy have made it possible for him to grow up and thrive at home.

One of those policies, says Tiffany Glass, is Medicaid — and without it, she believes Max’s life would have been much worse.

“His medical problems would not have been treated as effectively,” she says. “His quality of life would have been absolutely terrible. He would have been much more excluded from our community than he is now.”

Medicaid is the state-federal health insurance plan launched in the 1960s to provide health care for people living in poverty. In Wisconsin, it’s  best known as BadgerCare Plus, which covers primary health care and hospital care for people living below the federal poverty guideline. But Medicaid touches hundreds of thousands of other Wisconsin residents as well.

More than half of Wisconsin’s nursing home residents are covered by Medicaid after spending down most of their other personal savings and assets. Other Medicaid programs provide long-term skilled care to people living in their own homes or in the community — people who are frail and elderly, but also people living with disabilities.

“I’m not sure people are aware of the lifeline Medicaid is to so many people,” says Kim Marheine, state ombudsman for the Wisconsin Board on Aging and Long Term Care. “Without Medicaid some of these people have no place to go for services.”

Congress is currently rewriting the federal budget in ways that patients, families, health care providers and advocates fear will upend the program dramatically, ending coverage for millions who have few or no alternatives.

Washington budget battle

The Republican majority in the U.S. House wants to find $4.5 trillion in federal funds to pay for renewing tax cuts enacted in 2017 during President Donald Trump’s first term. On Feb. 25, the House, voting along party lines, cleared the way for a budget resolution that carves $880 billion over 10 years from programs under the purview of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The text of the bill doesn’t doesn’t specify where those cuts come from — a point Republicans have emphasized to rebut claims that the vote was an attack on people’s health care. Nevertheless, Medicaid “is expected to bear much of the cuts,” according to KFF, a nonpartisan, nonprofit health news and research organization.

Democratic U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan talks Wednesday, Feb. 19, about programs in Wisconsin that could be affected by Republican proposals to cut the federal budget.  (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

“What is in the jurisdiction of that committee? Well, the largest dollar amount is Medicaid,” said U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Black Earth) at a press conference in Madison Feb. 19. Advocates dismiss Republican denials, treating Medicaid cuts as a foregone conclusion and holding GOP lawmakers responsible.

“The draconian cuts to Medicaid that every single Wisconsin Republican voted for are an absolute wrecking ball,” says Joe Zepecki of Protect Our Care, a national advocacy group for the Affordable Care Act, Medicare and Medicaid. In that wrecking ball’s path, he says, are the state budget, tens of thousands of Wisconsin businesses that bill Medicaid, and more than a million state residents whose health care Medicaid covers.

Medicaid is funded jointly by federal and state governments. Federal law guarantees that the U.S. will pay at least half of the program’s cost, with the state paying for the rest. Wisconsin has a 60% federal contribution; the remaining 40% comes out of the state budget.

For fiscal year 2023, Wisconsin’s Medicaid expenditures totaled $12.5 billion, according to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission, a Congressional agency. The federal government paid just under $8.2 billion of that; Wisconsin paid the remainder, about $4.4 billion.

A Medicaid reduction on the scale that the budget resolution requires “will leave enormous shortfalls for the state heading into the next two years, all so Trump and his MAGA majorities can deliver another tax cut to huge corporations and CEOs like Elon Musk,” Zepecki says. “The federal money disappearing doesn’t mean the needs disappear, which is likely to force everyone else to pay even higher costs for their own health care.”

1 in 5 Wisconsin residents

According to the January 2025 enrollment numbers from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), about 1.3 million Wisconsin residents rely on Medicaid for day-to-day health care, long-term care or both — more than 1 out of 5 state residents.

They include more than 900,000 Wisconsinites who are enrolled in BadgerCare Plus. The health insurance plan for people up to age 65 covers doctor’s office visits, preventive care, surgery, hospital stays including childbirth, and other day-to-day health care needs for families living below the federal poverty guidelines. Children are covered in families with incomes up to 300% of the federal guideline; BadgerCare covers one-third of Wisconsin’s children.

Medicaid also covers alcoholism treatment, substance abuse treatment and other forms of care for mental health. “Medicaid is one of the largest payers of mental health care in the state,” says Tamara Jackson, policy analyst for the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities. It is the major funder of county mental health services, whether provided directly by a county agency or in partnership with a community agency, according to the Wiscons Counties Association.

Covering mental health is more than simply covering the cost of medications that may be prescribed. “Depression and anxiety medications are most effective in combination with the use of counseling services,” says Sheng Lee Yang, an Appleton clinical social worker. But if patients prescribed a medication aren’t able to get counseling as well, “their symptoms are only being treated at a 50% rate. That’s not real effective.”

Medicaid is part of health care all across Wisconsin. A study from Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families released in January found that residents of rural counties in the U.S. are more likely to rely on Medicaid for their health coverage than urban residents. In 27 northern and central Wisconsin rural counties, the share of children on Medicaid is higher than the state average, the study found.

Medicaid’s reach doesn’t stop there, however. Through nearly 20 different programs, Medicaid covers the health care of more than 260,000 additional Wisconsin residents.

For about 10,800 frail, elderly people who could not otherwise afford nursing home care, Medicaid pays the cost — about 60% of the state’s nursing home population.

Medicaid has also expanded beyond primary health care or nursing home care. Programs launched over the last several decades now allow eligible people who need long-term care to get the same services through Medicaid at home or in the community that they would receive in a nursing home.

To join those programs states apply to the federal government with proposals that would waive standard Medicaid rules. The idea is that if someone who needs long-term care can remain at home or in another homelike setting, the overall cost of care will be far lower than in a nursing home, stretching the Medicaid dollar farther.

More than 43,000 frail elderly or disabled adults in Wisconsin receive long-term care at home or in the community — in assisted living, for instance — under Medicaid waivers. Family Care began piloting in individual Wisconsin counties about 25 years ago as a nursing home alternative. It has since gone statewide, joined by allied programs that allow people to customize their care plans.

For elderly relatives who needed the intensive level of care offered by a nursing home, Family Care “gave them a tremendous alternative to skilled nursing care,” says Janet Zander, the advocacy and public policy coordinator for the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources.

“A lot of work Wisconsin has been doing, and other states as well, has been shifting how we provide care to people’s homes,” says Jackson.

Care at home instead of an institution

Beth Barton’s daughter, Maggie, was born 25 years ago with cerebral palsy. She doesn’t talk and is not able to move about on her own, and for her whole life she’s needed complex medical care, Barton says.

One of Medicaid’s earliest waiver programs is named for Katie Beckett, a child from Iowa whose story led the Reagan administration in the 1980s to authorize long-term health care at home for children with disabilities instead of only in a hospital or nursing home. In Wisconsin, there are about 13,500 children enrolled in the state’s Katie Beckett waiver program.

When Maggie was a child, the Katie Beckett waiver enabled the Barton family to care for her at home. The family’s health care comes through the company plan where Beth Barton’s husband works. Medicaid served as a secondary insurer for Maggie, covering insurance copayments and for her care that the family insurance didn’t pay for.

Growing up, Maggie was able to attend Lakeland School, a public Walworth County school for children with disabilities. School “was difficult” her mother says, but it also provided rewarding interaction for her daughter. The school’s therapeutic pool became part of Maggie’s daily routine, where “she could be free,” Barton says, able to enjoy sensory experiences outside her wheelchair.

After Maggie turned 18, she was enrolled in IRIS — a Medicaid-funded long-term care program. While Family Care works though contracts with managed care providers, IRIS, a more recent variation, allows people to make their own arrangements for services, including home health care and personal care.

IRIS Medicaid funding helps pay for a social worker who visits four times a year and respite care when Barton can’t be at home. It also covers home modifications, such as an accessibility ramp.

Without the support Medicaid has provided throughout Maggie’s life, Barton believes her daughter might well have ended up in an institution. She’s not optimistic about that option.

“Her unique needs are best met one-one,” Barton says. “If we didn’t have private duty nursing, if we didn’t have Medicaid to meet those needs, I honestly don’t think she’d be with us.”

Children’s long-term support

Another Medicaid waiver covers certain purchases children with disabilities need as they grow up.

Danielle Bauer’s 3-year-old son, Henry, was born with Down syndrome and has also been diagnosed with autism. The family lives in Wausau, and Wisconsin’s Children’s Long-term Support waiver helped cover the cost of a sensory chair that offers Henry “a quiet retreat to prevent meltdowns,” Bauer says. The family also got coverage for a specialized high chair that will grow with him as he gets older.

“It has made a huge difference in his quality of life,” Bauer says of her son. “He is capable of so much more, but without these supports, families don’t have resources to help kids like him.”

Until Jessica Seawright’s son was born nine years ago, she and her husband had no inkling their child would have a disability, let alone a serious one. Because of a chromosome abnormality, he has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair.

“We didn’t have anything show up in terms of prenatal testing,” Seawright says. “This came out of the blue.”

The Children’s Long-term Support waiver helped the family purchase a wheel-chair van to transport their son. It also helped cover the cost of widening a doorway in their home on the South Side of Milwaukee so he can get into the bathroom using his chair.

Seawright is a social worker and therapist. Her employer provides the family’s primary insurance, with the couple paying about $300 a month toward the premium as well as covering their own medical and dental copayments.

The Katie Beckett waiver has made it possible for Medicaid, through BadgerCare, to pick up her son’s medical costs, Seawright says. He often has to go to the emergency room and has other complex medical needs. He has recurring seizures, and he has trouble swallowing and needs a gastric tube. He’s been prescribed various medications and formula supplements as well.

Without that support, she says it’s likely that the family would burn through the $5,000 annual cap on their out-of-pocket health care costs.

“We would be making really tough choices — what can we afford out of pocket each year? It would be a question of how often we pay for foot braces when he outgrows them,” Seaward says — along with the medications, supplements and formula he needs.

“It’s not that we don’t want to pay for our fair share, but with the cost of his care it’s not possible to keep up with,” she says.

Moving past ‘a dark part of our history’

Tiffany Glass is a University of Wisconsin research scientist, studying why children with Down syndrome often have trouble eating, drinking and swallowing. She was in the process of deciding what direction she wanted her research career to take when her son Max was born; his diagnosis pointed the way.

“Up until the mid-1980s in the United states, a lot of children with Down syndrome and other disabilities were institutionalized, because their communities didn’t have the resources to accommodate them,” Glass says.  

UW medical ethicist Dr. Norman Fost wrote in a 2020 journal article that as recently as the late 1970s it wasn’t unheard of for parents to allow newborns with Down syndrome to die without medical intervention.  

“It’s a really dark part of our history,” Glass says.

Medicaid changed that for Max — supporting him for his medical care, communication (it has paid in the past for an electronic tablet that speaks for him), and activities of daily living.

Although Max Glass-Hui doesn’t speak, he can use this electronic device to communicate by pointing to words or spelling them out. The device then speaks for him with a computer-generated voice. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

“He needs help with all of those things,” Glass says. “It adds up to needing skilled care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For his whole life he’s required that type of care, and he probably always will.”

In addition to providing resources for Max’s care at home, Medicaid has also enabled Glass to pursue her scientific calling. Without it, her research career might have stopped before it started, she says.

Regular child care centers are unlikely to take someone whose disabilities are as severe as his, she has found, but the children’s long-term support waiver has covered the cost of respite care.

“That has allowed me to work outside the home for a decade as a research scientist,” says Glass. “If Medicaid hadn’t been there, I probably would not have been able to develop my research career. I would have had to stay home — to the detriment of scientific research.”

Now, however, she and countless others who have come to rely on the program — adults and children, people with disabilities and caregivers for elderly relatives — have grown anxious about whether they will still be able to count on the care that Medicaid has made possible.  

“Those arrangements are still very fragile,” Glass says. “We’re all very worried that if funding for Medicaid is reduced or eliminated, that could have really terrible implications for our families.”

This story is Part One in a series. 

This report was updated to correct the spelling of Max’s last name. 


Evers takes his budget on the road. Will Republican lawmakers hear from voters?

By: Erik Gunn

Gov. Tony Evers speaks to a group in Port Washington on Tuesday, Feb. 25, about highlights in his proposal for the state's 2025-27 budget. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

PORT WASHINGTON — Holding forth for a crowd of more than two dozen people gathered upstairs from a local coffee shop, Gov. Tony Evers recapped his budget pitch Tuesday for a friendly audience.

The governor highlighted his proposals to hold down or cut taxes for the middle class, increase school funding with particular attention to special education, and make a sustained investment in child care providers.

Evers is touting his budget for providing $2 billion “in tax relief — and it’s all everyday stuff,” he said.

Boosting state investment in public education and in shared revenue with local governments, he added, will in turn make it possible for school districts and municipalities to hold the line on property taxes.  

Evers also made a pitch — to willing ears — for the budget’s $480 million in child care support.

“That is something that, if you agree with me, you really have to work on this issue,” he said.

The governor’s 2025-27 budget  is replete with big proposals, just like each one he’s proposed since taking office in 2019, including provisions for new agencies and vows to invest in sectors that have long complained of underfunding.

And as with  each of Evers’ budgets, the Republican leaders of the state Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee dismissed the governor’s proposals the night he announced them and promised to follow up by stripping all of them from the budget draft on the first day of deliberations. Every biennium since Evers was elected in 2018, they have then built the budget “from the base” — in other words, from the spending plan as enacted in the last budget cycle.

Last week they announced minutes after Evers’ budget address they would follow the familiar script.

Reaching out to voters, supporters

Tuesday’s round table with local officials, small business owners, teachers and residents of the Ozaukee County city was the second in a series that Evers began on Monday with stops in Wausau and Superior.

Evers opened the session with a brief account of his recent visit to Washington, D.C., where he and other governors met with President Donald Trump, and where “people are on pins and needles” amid the drastic changes taking place in the federal government since Trump took office.

The governor emphasized the impending tariffs Trump has vowed to impose — 25% on goods from Canada and Mexico, among others — are “going to be a big deal,” potentially costing the average Wisconsin consumer $1,200 a year.

With that image as the scene setter, Evers went down a partial list of his budget’s tax proposals. He’s proposed eliminating the sales tax on medicine, utility bills, and cash tips for workers such as restaurant servers and others who are paid gratuities. Tips added to a credit card payment would not be included.

Part of the budget’s claim to $2 billion in tax relief reflects putting more state funds into education, shifting the burden for funding schools off local taxpayers.

“We will be investing heavily in public education, and that includes about $3.15 billion for K-12 schools, $800 million for University of Wisconsin System and a $60 million increase in the technical college system,” Evers said. The K-12 education money includes increasing the state’s share of special education funding, now about 30%, to 60%.

His proposal also would nearly double the personal exemption under the state income tax to $1,200 from $700.  For low- and moderate-income state residents who qualify, the state would increase the earned income tax credit. Additional tax relief is aimed at veterans and surviving spouses.

Referring to a recent blockage in federal funding that hit Head Start providers across Wisconsin and nationwide before payments resumed, Evers questioned whether the 60-year-old federal child care and early education program for low-income families might meet an early demise.

“I’m not sure Head Start will survive the federal government” under the Trump administration, Evers said. “And that would cause things to be much, much more difficult” when it comes to child care.

Child care: ‘We’re going to lose providers’

Evers recapped how federal pandemic relief funds enabled Wisconsin to bolster child care providers under the Child Care Counts program. The monthly payments enabled providers to increase wages for child care workers without raising the fees parents pay for child care, but the last payments will end this summer.

“That money is gone, and now we have an industry that is struggling,” Evers said. “If we don’t do something proactive to support them — directly support them — we’re going to lose providers.”

But so far, he added, “I’m not sure the other side gets it.”

Laura Klingelhoets, who owns and is administrator of a child care center in the community of Belgium about 10 miles north of Port Washington, said staffing remains her biggest challenge.

Klingelhoets recalled a recent conversation with a father. His teenage children “can go to work,” he told her. “My toddler cannot go to work. I need the help now — and I need you to stay open.”

Bob Steffes, vice president and general manager at Allen Edmonds, the high-end shoe manufacturer that has its factory in Port Washington, offered Evers one example of how the struggle for child care hits employers:  “We lose about 30% of our female [employees] that get pregnant,” he said.

Dana Glasstein teaches English as a second language and said she has seen “a lot of interrupted learning” for students who miss classes or put off taking them because they can’t get needed child care.

Klingelhoets said she’s had conversations with legislators on the Joint Finance Committee. “I have been very respectful in some of that lobbying,” she said, “but I have been told right to my face that women should not work — they belong at home, and child care isn’t a necessity in our state.”

School funding, lead pipes

Evers’ plan to increase the state’s contribution for special education would add “almost $3 million in our general fund for schools,” said Michael McMahon, superintendent of the Port Washington-Saukville School District. The district will hold a referendum April 1, asking voters to increase their property taxes to fund a new elementary school, replacing one built 70 years ago, McMahon said. The $59.4 million ask also includes money for deferred maintenance. 

“We’ve been taking care of our facilities,” McMahon said. “We just have had to defer that to make sure we’re putting teachers in front of kids and keeping programming.”

Provisions in Evers’ budget proposal would replace sources of lead, from old paint in buildings to lead water pipes. It contains $100 million for renovations removing lead paint in schools, home and child care centers, $7 million to replace lead water lines for home-based child care providers, and $200 million to replace homeowners’ lead service lines.

In Port Washington about 800 lead water service lines need to be replaced, said Dan Buchler, the city’s water utility director. At $7,000 a line, the cost is the responsibility of property owners. 

“We’re putting a huge burden on them,” Buchler said. “Just because you live in a house that has a lead line, you didn’t put that line in the ground. It’s not your fault.”

Urging voters to prevail on their lawmakers

Meeting with voters and urging them to let lawmakers know their concerns has been a standard political tactic for the Democratic governor as he’s confronted Republican majorities in both chambers of the Legislature.

“We need to have people engage with the [budget] bill,” Evers said in a brief interview after the session. “It’s important that people understand that.”

How this year’s budget deliberations unfold could offer a glimpse into the impact of the new legislative maps enacted in 2024 that are more evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats and resulted in a smaller gap between the parties in both houses after the November election.

“Some of Evers’ proposals frequently poll quite well, but a statewide audience has generally been irrelevant to the majority of GOP legislators who represent solidly red districts,” said John D. Johnson, a research fellow at Marquette University who has analyzed poll results and the state’s legislative maps, in an email message.

“However, since the 2024 redistricting, Republicans from safe districts no longer make up a majority of either chamber,” Johnson said. Evers may be “hoping that the Republicans representing swing seats will feel pressure to support popular policies he proposes.” Or perhaps, he added, Evers’ tactic could simply be “a rhetorical move made with an eye to the general election in 2026.”

The same dynamic works the other way, Johnson noted: “Of course, the flip side of this is that Republican legislators regularly try to pass bills they believe to be popular but which they know Evers will veto.”


Committee advances trio of health care bills for state Senate action

By: Erik Gunn

Entrance to Senate Chambers in the Wisconsin State Capitol. (Photo by Baylor Spears/Wisconsin Examiner)

The state Senate Health Committee cleared three bills Thursday, two of them on bipartisan votes, advancing them to the full Senate for consideration.

SB 4 allows direct primary care doctors, who charge patients on a monthly subscription, to practice without being regulated as part of the insurance industry. 

The bill passed 3-2, with the Senate committee’s two Democrats, Sens. Jeff Smith and Dora Drake, voting against recommending it for passage.

Drake said she voted against the measure because it lacked non-discrimination language that had been included in a previous version of the bill.

The bill from the 2023-24 legislative session included a non-discrimination section listing a series of civil-rights protections for patients. One of those items, forbidding discrimination on the basis of “gender identity,” led two organizations, Wisconsin Family Action and the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, to oppose the legislation.

Although the legislation passed the Assembly on a voice vote in 2024 and was unanimously endorsed by both the Assembly and Senate health committees, it died after the state Senate failed to take it up.

The current bill states that direct primary care providers “may not decline to enter into or terminate a direct primary care agreement with a patient solely because of the patient’s health status.”

It has replaced language enumerating specific civil rights protections with a more general stipulation that it “shall not be construed to limit the application” of Wisconsin’s civil rights statute to a health care provider’s practice. The civil rights law bars discrimination based on race, sex and sexual orientation, but is silent on gender identity.

“As Chair of the Legislative Black Caucus, I refuse to support a new version of a bill that doesn’t provide protections for Wisconsinites that prevents discrimination from healthcare providers,” Drake told the Wisconsin Examiner via email.

The committee voted unanimously Thursday to recommend the other two bills.

SB 23 would make it possible for women who are covered by Medicaid in childbirth to maintain that coverage for a full year after the child is born. The postpartum Medicaid legislation has broad bipartisan support, but Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) has opposed extending the coverage, claiming it would expand “welfare.”

SB 14 requires health care providers to obtain a patient’s consent when they teach medical students how to do pelvic exams by having them practice on women under anesthesia. Authors of the bill and advocates have reported that some providers have a history of training students on the procedure with unconscious patients who have not been informed or given consent.

The committee also added a requirement that hospitals institute written policies for informed consent relating to pelvic exams under anesthesia. The amendment replaces language requiring an administrative rule implementing the requirement.


Pocan, state Dems highlight what GOP federal budget plan could cost Wisconsin residents

By: Erik Gunn

Democratic U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan talks Wednesday morning about programs in Wisconsin that could be affected by Republican proposals to cut the federal budget. Assembly Minority Leader Greta Neubauer (D-Racine), left, and Senate Minority Leader Dianne Hesselbein (D-Middleton), right, also took part in the state Capitol press conference. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

As the Republican majority in Congress begins work on legislation to renew and expand the 2017 federal tax cut, Wisconsin Democrats met with reporters Wednesday to argue that the measure will have a devastating impact on the public.

The U.S. House has begun work on a budget reconciliation bill — complex legislation that will encompass a broad swath of federal programs. President Donald Trump endorsed the effort on X Wednesday.

Senate Democrats at a Washington, D.C., press conference, including Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin, warned of “massive cuts” to Medicaid on the horizon Wednesday if the package is enacted, notwithstanding Trump’s comments this week that Medicare and Medicaid “won’t be touched.”

In Madison, U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Town of Vermont) along with Democratic leaders in the state Legislature gathered in the state Capitol Assembly parlor, where they focused not just on Medicaid but on a host of other programs that they said were important to Wisconsin.

House Republicans are seeking a $1.5 trillion cut in spending over 10 years, Pocan said, while raising the debt ceiling by $4 trillion, with the goal of a $4.5 trillion tax cut over 10 years.

Calculations by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy found that savings from extending the 2017 tax cuts enacted in Trump’s first term would favor the richest 1% of taxpayers most dramatically.

“So this is about a tax cut for the wealthiest,” Pocan said. “It’s about a transfer of money from programs that affect the middle class and those aspiring to be in the middle class to the wealthiest — so that the rich will get even richer.”

Budget reconciliation bill

Under the budget reconciliation process, Pocan explained, Republicans have assigned spending targets to U.S. House committees for the agencies in their purview. The House Energy and Commerce Committee alone has been instructed to find $880 billion in cuts, Pocan said — and Medicaid is the largest program under the committee’s jurisdiction.

“And you know, really the better way to describe Medicaid is — that’s funding for opioid treatment, that’s funding for mental health, that’s funding for nursing home care, for maternity and infant care, help for people with disabilities, and a whole lot more,” Pocan said. “So it’s really about programs that affect people in Wisconsin.”

Medicaid serves more than 1 million people in Wisconsin, Pocan said, including one-third of Wisconsin children, 45% of working age people living with disabilities and 55% of nursing home residents.

Proposals circulating in Washington would cut $230 billion from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). “That would result in about a 23% cut to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [SNAP],” Pocan said. Some 702,000 Wisconsinites “benefit from the SNAP program, and it really is at risk.” 

Pocan scoffed at the idea that a project to cut government spending, headed by Elon Musk, was intended to promote government efficiency. The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is not an official federal agency.

“DOGE is something that was created to find waste, fraud and abuse in government,” Pocan said. “The reality is, that is a fraud. It is really about finding $4.5 trillion ultimately to have a tax cut.”

Lawmakers hear from anxious voters

Assembly Minority Leader Greta Neubauer (D-Racine) said she and her colleagues in the Legislature are hearing daily from constituents anxious about the prospect of federal cutbacks.

“We are getting calls from concerned Wisconsinites about whether they will lose access to their health care or housing,” Neubauer said. “We hear those stories every day, and we know that the actions that Trump is taking at the federal level have real impacts, and we are going to do everything we can to protect the people of Wisconsin from these attacks.”

Sen. Dianne Hesselbein, the Senate minority leader, said she’s heard from farmers, parents and Medicaid recipients, among others, worried about changes in Washington.

“What happens in Congress over the next few weeks and months matters,” Hesselbein said. She urged Wisconsin voters to let their congressional representatives know about concerns they have.

“Contact Ron Johnson,” the Republican U.S. Senator from Oshkosh, Hesselbein said. “Let them know these real stories and what that’s going to mean to the people in our community. People are upset, they are worried. They’ve had enough, and we need to stop the madness.”

Impoverished students and veterans’ health

Speakers who joined Pocan highlighted the direct impact of other programs that have been targeted for reduction.

Title I funds go to school districts with a large number of children living in poverty, while the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides additional aid to schools for teaching students with disabilities. Title I directs about $235 million a year to Wisconsin and IDEA about $271 million, Pocan said, and both have been targeted for reductions.  

“Title I funding is a lifeline to my school right now, and for millions of students across America,” said Elizabeth O’Leary, a special education teacher in Madison. “These funds provide crucial support for instruction in reading, math, as well as special programs, after-school initiatives and summer learning opportunities.”

O’Leary described students with disabilities and students living in extreme poverty.

“Our school team works together to meet the basic needs of our students and also to teach them,” she said, adding that the school where she works has many students facing those and other difficulties.

“And while these students’ lives are difficult, they are so magnificent and they deserve the opportunity to learn and thrive,” O’Leary said. “Simply put, our students would not get the support they need, and staff would lose their jobs, without Title I funding.”

Other Trump administration actions outside the budget bill are also hitting Wisconsin, Pocan said, such as layoffs in the Department of Veterans Affairs health system.

Yvonne Duesterhoeft, a U.S. Air Force veteran, said the VA health system is a trusted health care provider for thousands of former service members.

“I wish everyone in America could have access to the type of efficient and comprehensive health care that I and many veterans have come to know in recent decades,” Duesterhoeft said.

Decades ago, she acknowledged, the system was underfunded and often indifferent to the needs of returning wartime veterans, but that has changed as Vietnam-era vets campaigned for, and won, important improvements in VA health care quality.

“We must guard against the recent and concerted fast-track effort to make VA health care terrible again,” she said.


State Supreme Court dismisses complaint about Racine’s early voting van

By: Erik Gunn

Wisconsin Supreme Court chambers. (Photo by Baylor Spears/Wisconsin Examiner)

On a 4-3 vote Tuesday the Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit against the Wisconsin Elections Commission for not acting  against the city of Racine after the city used  mobile vans for in-person early voting in an election two years ago.

The ruling, written by Justice Jill Karofsky and concurred in by the three other members of the Court’s liberal majority, declared that the voter who brought the case lacked standing to demand a judicial review of the commission’s decision.

The case arose from a challenge to Racine’s use in the August 2022 primary election of a van that was sent around the city for early voting, also called in-person absentee voting, in the weeks before Election Day.

For the primary election that summer, Racine’s city clerk designated 22 early voting sites: City Hall and 21 other locations around the city. The clerk’s office dispatched a van with election equipment to those 21 sites for which notices were posted. Voters could obtain absentee ballots, vote and return their ballots to the vehicle.

On behalf of a Racine voter, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, a right-wing law firm that has supported other challenges to local and state election practices, filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) charging that using the van for early voting violated state law.

The commission rejected the complaint, and WILL filed a petition in Racine County Circuit Court for judicial review of WEC’s decision. Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz ruled in January 2024 in WILL’s favor that the early voting van favored Democratic parts of the city and violated state law.

The judge held that the state law authorizing municipalities to establish alternate early voting locations applies to physical structures, not mobile vehicles. State law neither affirms nor prohibits mobile early voting sites, he wrote, but lacking “an express prohibition . . . does not mean mobile absentee ballot sites comport to procedures specified in the election laws.”

Tuesday’s Supreme Court ruling sidesteps a direct interpretation of that question.

Karofsky wrote that the voter WILL represented lacked standing to take WEC to court over the issue.

State law authorizes an election official or a person who files a complaint “who is aggrieved” by a WEC order to take the matter to circuit court. Karofsky wrote that not everyone on the losing side of a WEC order is “aggrieved,” however, and that “to be aggrieved by a decision, one must have suffered an injury to a legally recognized interest as a result of the decision.”

The plaintiff in the WILL lawsuit, Kenneth Brown, didn’t show he suffered or will suffer an injury, she wrote.

In a dissent, Justice Rebecca Bradley criticized the decision’s stipulation about the meaning of “aggrieved” as too narrow. Chief Justice Annette Ziegler and Justice Brian Hagedorn each concurred in part with Bradley’s dissent. 

When WEC dismisses a voter’s complaint without taking action, Bradley wrote, “the voter’s legal right is adversely affected — the voter is aggrieved — and the voter may challenge WEC’s decision in a court of law.”

Bradley also criticized the majority for treating standing too narrowly. Instead, she wrote, the ruling should have taken up the underlying issue on the legality of mobile in-person absentee voting sites in place of fixed buildings.

In a statement, Lucas Vebber, deputy counsel for WILL, said that while the circuit court “determined the election officials in Racine acted unlawfully in their conduct of an election,” the decision Tuesday “does not address those issues, rather it silences Wisconsinites who seek to challenge such unlawful action.”

Law Forward, the voting-rights focused group that defended Racine’s mobile voting before the Court, issued a statement praising the outcome but expressing surprise and disappointment that the decision didn’t address voter suppression tactics that the organization blamed for the original legal challenge.

“The Court was right to toss Mr. Brown’s lawsuit, which sought to restrict absentee voting in one of Wisconsin’s most diverse communities. But a standing deficiency was perhaps the least problematic aspect of Mr. Brown’s lawsuit, which openly targeted Racine’s efforts to make voting more accessible,” said Scott Thompson, Law Forward’s staff counsel.

“Mr. Brown’s suit attacked the right to vote and equal protection under the Wisconsin Constitution,” Thompson said. “Avoiding any comment on such fundamental civil rights issues does little to strengthen our shared democracy.”

This report has been updated with a comment issued by Law Forward that was received after publication.


Bill could clear the way for doctors who sign up patients by subscription

By: Erik Gunn

Dr. Wendy Molaska of Fitchburg testifies on Feb. 12 in support of legislation to clarify that doctors charging patients under a monthly subscription program are not in the insurance business. (Screenshot/WisEye)

Dr. Wendy Molaska is a Wisconsin family practice doctor, but her patients don’t use their health insurance — if they have it — when under her care.

Instead, Molaska’s patients have a subscription for her services, paying $70 a month. They go to Molaska’s office when they feel sick, need a checkup, or have some other routine medical concern. She’ll see them as often as they need, she says — no extra charge.

Molaska is a direct primary care practitioner. Direct primary care, DPC for short, is prepaid outpatient health care. While both the doctors who practice it and their patients are just a drop in the health care ocean, their numbers are growing.

In back-to-back meetings last week, the health committees in both the Assembly and the Senate considered legislation to make it legally explicit that the subscription programs used by DPC doctors are not insurance plans and don’t have to be regulated like insurance.

The identical bills, AB-8 and SB-4, spell out some definitions, along with rights and standards, for direct primary care agreements and state that they are exempt from insurance law. More than half of states in the U.S. have similar laws. 

The concept won bipartisan support in the 2023-24 session of the Legislature but failed to make it to the governor’s desk.

“In insurance, you risk-share,” said Dr. Nicole Hemkes, owner of a group of direct primary care clinics, Advocate MD, testifying at the Assembly hearing Wednesday. “You’re paying a bunch of money into a [pool] and then the insurance is paying out on claims.”

Direct primary care is “basically a transactional relationship where you’re paying a monthly membership,” Hemkes said.

‘Old school medicine’

“This is the old school medicine of being able to actually take care of your patients the way they need to be taken care of,” Molaska told the Assembly Committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care.

She testified that neither she nor patients have to deal with the question of what insurance covers and what it doesn’t. The $70 monthly fee covers a broad range of in-office procedures and visits as frequent as a patient requires, she said.

Prescriptions, which she can dispense, and lab tests are extra, but Molaska said in an interview that they are often much less expensive when paid for out of pocket rather than as part of an insurance plan.

Molaska said there are about 100 direct primary care providers in Wisconsin, a number that has grown markedly starting in the first years of the COVID-19 pandemic. If each provider has 500 patients, a typical DPC caseload, that would mean 50,000 Wisconsin people have joined the trend from the patient side.

In an interview, Molaska said that removing the uncertainty over whether regulators would try to apply the state’s insurance law to their operation could help motivate more doctors to provide direct primary care.

DPC practitioners say their approach is both cost-effective and patient-friendly.

Hemkes said patients with high-deductible health insurance plans might forgo a routine visit to the doctor to avoid an out-of-pocket expense they can’t afford.

“We are not trying to replace insurance,” Hemkes told Assembly members. Direct primary care “[is] meant to make health care more accessible to more people.”

Access to care without insurance

Some people opt for DPC as an alternative to a more expensive, comprehensive health plan, however. Molaska testified that in the Madison suburb of Fitchburg, where she practices, “the number of people without health insurance is 7.4%. At my clinic, 41.3% don’t have other health insurance.”

Many low-wage service workers have employers who don’t cover health care, and their own incomes are too high for Medicaid but not high enough for them to buy their own insurance, Molaska told the Wisconsin Examiner. With a direct primary care subscription, “at least they’re able to access primary care,” she said.

For specialty care and hospitalization, patients are still likely to need health insurance or alternative forms of coverage of some kind. Nevertheless, Molaska said, her fixed fee covers as many non-specialist visits to her office as a patient might need to make, as well as being able to call or text for consultation.

Molaska said the system has allowed her to limit the number of patients to about 500 people, in contrast to conventional medical groups where a single doctor’s caseload can be two, three or even four times that many.

Molaska said she calculated her monthly fee based on what existing DPC doctors were charging, the size that she chose for her caseload and her overhead costs and staff: two nurses, a certified medical interpreter and an office assistant. With direct care she doesn’t have to hire someone for coding insurance claims or billing for visits, she observed.

Longer visits, shorter waits

Some patients have health insurance that covers primary care, but choose a DPC provider instead, paying the monthly fee themselves — valuing the short wait time to get in and the longer and less-hurried visits, Molaska said.

Evan Danells, a Madison chef and restaurant owner who also testified at the Assembly hearing, told lawmakers that many restaurant operators have profit margins too small to allow them to buy insurance for employees. Direct primary care made it possible for him to cover his employees for basic health care, he said.

Danells is one of Molaska’s patients. He said her much smaller caseload allowed for more personal care rather than rushed appointments with a doctor who would “look at me like they’re seeing me for the first time over and over again . . .  because they just had 2,500 patients last year.”

Hemkes said direct primary care doctors aim to make their services broadly affordable — not like medical practitioners who provide “concierge medicine,” charging wealthy patients five-figure sums for special access.

Another misconception, Hemkes said, is that direct primary care “selects out healthy patients.”

The legislation guards against that possibility with a provision stating the direct primary care providers “may not decline to enter into or terminate a direct primary care agreement with a patient solely because of the patient’s health status.”

At Advocate MD, which has three clinics in the greater Madison area and one in Janesville, “our patients in our practice run the spectrum from young, healthy people to older people with multiple chronic medical issues,” Hemkes testified. “Having an hour-long visit with that patient is very useful to be able to provide comprehensive care to them, to help them navigate all their specialists.”

2024 bill died after two groups lobbied against ‘gender identity’ protection

The last time a direct primary care bill was before the state Legislature, in the 2023-24 session, it won unanimous support from Republicans and Democrats and cleared the Assembly on a voice vote.

The legislation died in mid-2024, however, when the state Senate adjourned in the spring without taking it up.

The 2023-24 session bill included a list of civil-rights protections for patients of DPC providers — one of them forbidding discrimination on the basis of “gender identity.”

Those words led two organizations to lobby against the legislation in 2024 and submit public hearing testimony opposing it.

“We have no objection to the effort to make direct primary care more accessible to Wisconsin residents. We do, however, object to the inclusion of gender identity in the non-discrimination clause,” stated Jack Hoogendyk of Wisconsin Family Action. The organization routinely opposes legislation guaranteeing the rights of transgender and gender nonconforming people and LGBTQ+ rights.

The Wisconsin Catholic Conference also opposed the bill on the same grounds.

In place of enumerating specific civil rights protections, the 2025 version of the legislation’s nondiscrimination section states, “Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the application of s.106.52 to a health care provider’s practice.”

The clause refers to Wisconsin’s civil rights statute, which does not include specific language protecting gender identity.


State Supreme Court considers whether UW Health must follow state’s labor rights law

By: Erik Gunn
UW Health Union yard sign

Around Madison, supporters of UW Health nurses seeking union representation have posted yard signs expressing their position. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

A campaign for union representation by nurses working for UW Health reached the Wisconsin Supreme Court Wednesday with an argument over whether state law grants them collective bargaining rights or has definitively taken those rights away.

Attorney Tamara Packard argues on behalf of SEIU before the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Wednesday. (Screenshot/WisEye)

Tamara Packard, the lawyer for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), argued that the employees of UW Hospital and Clinics Authority — the corporation that operates as UW Health — have union rights under the Wisconsin Employment Peace Act.

“The language that’s in the statute now incorporates all employers except those that are excluded,” Packard said — and the hospital system authority is not one of those.

An attorney for the hospital authority asserted that the UW Health employees’ union rights were explicitly removed as part of the 2011 law known as Act 10, however.

Act 10, enacted early in Scott Walker’s first term as governor, stripped public employees — except for most police and firefighters — of all but the most rudimentary union rights.

But it also made changes related to the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Authority — a corporate entity that was spun off in 1996 from the University of Wisconsin under 1995 Act 27. The law created a public authority with connections to the state but getting no direct state funding.

Attorney James Goldschmidt represents UW Health in arguing that employees there do not have collective bargaining rights. (Screenshot/WisEye)

Act 27 specified that the hospital system authority was an employer under the Peace Act and included a guarantee of union rights for the hospital system’s employees, who were represented at the time. But Act 10 undid both of those provisions, said James Goldschmidt, of Quarles & Brady, representing UW Health.

The law repealed legal language “expressly stating that the authority is a covered employer,” Goldschmidt said, along with  language “expressly obligating the authority to engage in collective bargaining.” And it repealed all references to the hospital authority in the Peace Act, along with all references to the Peace Act in the law creating the authority.

“Repeal, repeal, repeal,” Goldschmidt said. “You cannot read this act [Act 10] that the Legislature enacted without seeing those changes. Those are part and parcel of the law itself.”

Widespread assumption

For 11 years after Act 10’s passage, virtually everyone involved — union and hospital officials alike — assumed that the law barred collective bargaining for UW Health employees. When nurses employed by the hospital system announced in December 2019 that they wanted to be represented again by SEIU, they framed their demand as a request for voluntary engagement with hospital system management to discuss wages and working conditions.

In 2021, that changed, starting with a legal opinion — also written by Packard, an attorney for the Madison law firm of Pines Bach — that Act 10 didn’t bar collective bargaining at UW Health. A subsequent opinion by state Attorney General Josh Kaul said that UW Health might fall under the Peace Act, but sidestepped a firm declaration on that point.

In September 2022, as nurses demanding union recognition were on the verge of a three-day strike, SEIU and UW Health officials reached an agreement brokered by Gov. Tony Evers that included a joint petition to the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC).

In the petition, the union argued that the hospital should be considered an employer under the Peace Act, while UW Health argued that Act 10 barred collective bargaining at the hospital system. WERC sided with UW Health, and Dane County Circuit Judge Jacob Frost subsequently affirmed the employment commission’s conclusion.

That was the ruling before the Supreme Court Wednesday.

Justice Brian Hagedorn noted — as UW Health’s lawyers did in their brief on the case — that in a federal court challenge to Act 10 more than a decade ago, SEIU had itself stated the union lost bargaining rights at UW Health.

Packard acknowledged as much, but said the union’s position now was “based on, largely, the law that has developed in the last 13 years.”

Defining an ‘employer’

The argument centered on wording in the Employment Peace Act defining an employer, and whether Act 10’s provisions applying to the UW Hospital and Clinics Authority clearly excluded the hospital system from that definition.

Packard said that the Peace Act defines a “person” in the corporate sense as an “employer” with workers who have a right to collective bargaining.

The Court has previously affirmed that UW Hospital and Clinics Authority is a “person” in another legal context. For that reason, Packard said, “the plain language” of the law requires treating the hospital authority as an employer under the Peace Act.

Act 10 repealed language in Act 27 explicitly declaring that the hospital system is a Peace Act employer. But that didn’t change how the act defines an employer, she said.

The Legislature explicitly excluded public employees and unions from the Peace Act’s definition of an employer. “The Legislature . . . if it meant to, could have included the hospital and clinics authority in that list of exceptions, and it did not,” Packard said.

Goldschmidt countered that the Peace Act’s definition of person “does not include a special entity, like the [hospital and clinics] authority, which is a legislatively created public body.”

Justice Rebecca Dallet asks a question during arguments Wednesday in the Wisconsin Supreme Court. (Screenshot/WisEye)

When Act 27 was passed, the Legislature defined the new hospital and clinics authority as an employer subject to the Peace Act because “it was neither fish nor fowl — it was neither fully public nor fully private,” Goldschmidt said. Act 10 took away the Peace Act’s coverage, he reiterated.

Justice Rebecca Dallet questioned treating the hospital authority as a distinctly different entity, however.

“It’s a private corporation,” Dallet said, and has been treated as one in unrelated court decisions. When the Legislature passed Act 10, she said, “regardless of what they were repealing . . . the words on the page still say ‘employer’ and that a corporation is an employer.”

Packard argued that the language in the Peace Act is unambiguous, making no exception for UW Health as an employer. She called that a sufficient reason to declare the act covers the hospital and clinics authority without delving into the history of the law.

Two of the Court’s three-member conservative wing took exception to that argument.

Statutory history “is part of the way we make sense of the text,” said Hagedorn. “It seems that your argument is entirely premised on sort of a myopic focus on text and ignoring the statutory history context.”

Justice Rebecca Bradley agreed. “Act 27 was quite explicit in including the [hospital] authority in the definition of employer,” she told Packard. “Act 10 repealed that language. You can’t win unless you ask us to disregard that statutory history. That’s enacted law.”


Legislation to force state employees back to the office gets cold shoulder from governor

By: Erik Gunn

State Rep. Amanda Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie) testifies on Tuesday, Feb. 11, in favor of legislation to require state employees to work in the office five days a week starting July 1. (Screenshot/WisEye)

State employees who worked in the office before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 would have to return to working in person starting July 1 under a proposed bill that went before a state Senate committee Tuesday.

“The pandemic is now over and has been for quite a while,” said State Rep. Amanda Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie), testifying at a public hearing on SB-27 in the Senate Committee on Licensing, Regulatory Reform, State and Federal Affairs. “Yet a high volume of state duties that required in-person execution prior to 2020 are still being performed in locations outside of the state offices in which they were long housed prior to the pandemic.”

Sen. Cory Tomczyk (R-Mosinee), the bill’s Senate author, cited decisions by major U.S. employers to return to at least partial in-office schedules. “Returning to work in person makes sense and forces accountability,” Tomczyk said.

Nedweski and Tomczyk were the only witnesses to testify at Tuesday’s hearing. There is not an Assembly companion bill, but Nedweski is the lead Assembly co-sponsor of the Senate legislation. She also chairs the Assembly’s new Committee on Government Operations, Accountability, and Transparency.

Republican state lawmakers have been pushing for state employees to end remote work for most of the last four years.

Meanwhile, the Department of Administration (DOA) and the administration of Gov. Tony Evers have been moving forward with a plan, Vision 2030, to reduce the state’s real estate footprint.

No administration representatives testified at Tuesday’s hearing. But in a memo to reporters Tuesday afternoon, Evers’ communications director, Britt Cudaback, said Vision 2030 is based on moving to a “modern and hybrid work environment” mixing remote and in-office work “in order to continue to be a competitive employer and bolster our efforts to recruit, train, and retain workers statewide.”

If SB-27 is enacted, she said, returning to in-office-only work would require more private leases for office space or reopening buildings that are to be closed and sold, or both. The administration has projected savings of more than $7 million in occupancy costs and more than $540 million in deferred maintenance costs.

Reversing those plans “would neither be pragmatic nor fiscally prudent,” Cudaback said.

At the hearing, Nedweski emphasized that the bill’s intent is not simply to bar all remote work, but she argued that the state hasn’t systematically evaluated its impact.

“We don’t have a handle on what’s going on,” she said. “So the idea would be, everybody, please come back and let’s figure out what the best situation is.”

Two years ago the Legislature’s Joint Audit Committee commissioned the Legislative Audit Bureau to review remote work and space allocation in state government. The resulting report said the state lacked comprehensive data on the extent of remote work and recommended more detailed monitoring and documentation of remote work agreements and practices.

Democrats on the five-member Senate committee balked at the legislation, calling it inflexible and a potential deterrent to the state’s ability to hire.

Sen. Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee) noted with remote work more state employees have been able to work from counties across Wisconsin, not just in its two largest cities. “If those people are going to have to keep their jobs and be in the office, which I assume would be Madison, are they going to be forced to give up their jobs?” he asked.

Nedweski and Tomczyk said that employees who were hired to work remotely or had employment agreements allowing remote work before the pandemic would not be required to return to an office five days a week.

But Sen. Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee), said the legislation’s wording appeared to be more narrowly written. “I am worried about this being wildly inflexible, and you’re talking about a level of flexibility that is not contained within the bill,” he said.

Nedweski said she “would be more than happy” to add language “that underscores that we already have DOA policy in place to allow for flexibility.”

Larson replied that the bill “would be a law that would override the policy.”

In an email message, Nedweski’s office staff member Tami Rongstad told the Wisconsin Examiner that there would be an amendment to exempt the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics from the bill “and clarify that the requirement to return to onsite work would not apply to duties that were performed off-site prior to March 1, 2020.”

Rongstad said Nedweski “was open to considering adding clarifying language to the bill related to future telework options for state employees beyond the July 1, 2025, return to in-person work date,” based on existing terms for remote work in the state human resources handbook. 


Election observer rule gets a polarized reception at Assembly hearing

By: Erik Gunn
Don Millis and Ann Jacob, the former and current chairs of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, testify Tuesday, Feb. 4, at an Assembly hearing on a commission rule for election observers.

Don Millis and Ann Jacob, the former and current chairs of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, testify Tuesday, Feb. 4, at an Assembly hearing on a commission rule for election observers. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

For nearly two years the Wisconsin Elections Commission has been developing a rule that would govern election observers.

Observers have long turned up to oversee the voting process on Election Day, representing the Democratic and Republican parties. Historically it was an uncontroversial civic exercise. Observers, says Jay Heck, director of Common Cause-Wisconsin, typically focused on whether voting machines worked properly, lines (if they existed at all) were moving smoothly and the voting process was uneventful.

But the number of observers and the number of groups sponsoring them have increased over the last several elections — along with growing polarization around voting rights and ongoing legal and legislative battles over conflicting claims of voter fraud and voter suppression.

Last week, those conflicts surfaced when lawmakers heard testimony for and against a proposed Wisconsin Elections Commission rule that would codify the rights of election observers as well as set limits on their behavior.

Wisconsin’s election law — rewritten in 2015 when the Wisconsin Elections Commission was established — requires polling place election chiefs to designate spaces for election observers between 3 and 8 feet from the table where people register to vote and the table where registered voters sign in and receive their voter number.

Beyond that, however, the law leaves a lot open-ended, said Don Millis, a Republican member of the commission and its former chair, at an Assembly hearing Tuesday, Feb. 4. 

Mills, who was appointed to the commission in 2022, recalled that a fellow Republican told him the body should write a rule on election observers because the state elections statute “is very vague and that some clerks are not treating Republican observers properly.”

State elections law requires the commission to write a rule addressing the conduct of observers and their interactions with election officials, Millis said, but the body had not previously carried out that assignment.

From August 2022 to October 2024

The rulemaking process started in August 2022. Gov. Tony Evers approved the rule’s final draft Oct. 3, 2024.

Tuesday’s hearing before the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections was the next step in the process of establishing a rule.

The proposed rule doesn’t change the state law that specifies the area set aside for election observers. But Millis said the rule includes a number of provisions setting forth rights for observers that aren’t in the current law.

For example, the rule specifies that observers can begin on Election Day either when the polls open at 7 a.m. or when the vote counting tabulation machines are reset to zero, whichever is earlier. It also allows observers to move about in the designated area for observers, ask questions of election officials and to talk quietly among themselves, Millis said.

The rule allows observers to see non-confidential information, Millis said. It does not allow them to see voters’ photo IDs presented as required under state law, which it defines as confidential.

“Without these rules, we’re going to have situations where there are no uniform [requirements], and I think that in certain areas, public observers will feel that they are intimidated and not able to do what the rules [would allow],” Millis testified.

“This is a bipartisan effort,” said Ann Jacobs, the elections commission’s current chair, who joined Millis in testifying in favor of the rule.

State law divides the commission’s six members evenly, with three appointed by Democrats and three by Republicans, and stipulates that the chair’s job must shift every two years between representatives of the two parties.

Advisory committee with ‘a wide net’

Before drafting the rule, Millis said, the commission assembled a committee of interested persons to share their concerns about the current handling of election observers and discuss what they would want a rule to include.

Millis said the commission cast “a wide net” for participants. The committee included election clerks, poll workers, political party representatives and representatives from groups focused on voting and elections, including Common Cause and the League of Women Voters.

There also were members from True the Vote and the Wisconsin Election Integrity Network — both of which have amplified allegations of voter fraud in Wisconsin and have recruited election observers as well.

As the elections commission and its staff began drafting the rule, “if there were dissenting voices, we wanted to hear it,” Millis said.

The commission voted on each provision, approving them 6-0, Millis said, The final vote, however, on Sept. 11, 2024, was 5-1, with Republican Robert Spindell, voting against approval.

Testifying Tuesday in favor of the rule, Eileen Newcomer, voter education manager for the League of Women Voters, said that without it, the elections commission can only offer guidelines to local election administrators.

“There are no requirements that election clerks and observers adhere to the guidance,” Newcomer said. Participants in the league’s election observer program who have worked at several polling places have reported that “there are different rules from one polling place to another.”

Newcomer was among the advisory committee’s participants.

But a string of activists who have promoted voter-fraud allegations — including some who also took part in the advisory committee — testified at the hearing against the rule.

Ken Dragotta, who was on the advisory panel representing True the Vote, criticized the rule for not addressing absentee ballots, which he said are “a privilege” under state law and “must be carefully regulated to prevent the potential for fraud or abuse.”

“Election laws are already far too complex for the average election official to properly navigate,” Dragotta said. The rule “does nothing but obstruct the legal rights of citizens to observe the election process and puts them at greater risk in the process, in addition to provide additional authority of election officials to control the movement and action of the observers.”

Among the other witnesses criticizing the rule was former State Rep. Janel Brandtjen, a Menomonee Falls Republican who previously advocated overturning Wisconsin’s 2020 vote in which Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump’s reelection bid. Several investigations and court cases confirmed Biden as the winner in 2020.

Brandtjen reiterated Dragotta’s assertion that the rule would subject observers to being penalized at the polls by hostile chief election inspectors. She listed previous incidents when, she asserted, observers had been unfairly challenged by election clerks. She also called for the Republican-majority Legislature and Evers, a Democrat, to work out new legislation to address the subject.

State Rep. Dave Murphy (R-Greenville) questioned whether the split state government would produce a law “any better than what this is.” He also observed that previous incidents Brandtjen pointed to happened under the current legal framework.

“I’ve got a folder full of people here complaining about what has happened in the past,” Murphy said. “I’m trying to figure out whether the change is better or worse than the status quo.”


Activists descend on Johnson’s office to protest Trump’s OMB choice

By: Erik Gunn

A visitor to Sen. Ron Johnson's Madison office Thursday displays a sign, opposing confirmation of Russ Vought to head the White House Office of Management and Budget. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

About 40 people gathered outside Sen. Ron Johnson’s East Side Madison office to protest the ongoing federal funding freeze and to demand that the Republican senator vote against confirming Russ Vought, President Donald Trump’s choice to head the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Vought, who has advocated for the president to have the right to impound federal funds already in the budget, is widely seen as the architect of the funding freeze announced last week. The U.S. Senate confirmed him on a party-line vote Thursday evening. 

The visit to Johnson’s office was led by the Sauk Prairie chapter of Indivisible, a political activist group organized during Trump’s first administration to challenge his policies. The freeze is “going to hurt a lot of people, especially with what will happen to the economy here probably soon,” Sue Heintz, an organizer for the group, said in an interview after the group dispersed. 

Members took turns telling Tom Petri, Johnson’s state legislative director, about their concerns and submitting written statements as well. 

David Dowell, a physician, decried the cutoff of AIDS prevention and treatment funds overseas. 

“We have saved so many lives in other countries with treating AIDS,” Dowell told Petri. “People’s AIDS treatment has stopped immediately — they’re going to die. And that’s because of this just random [act to] stop funding that’s already paid for…That’s hateful. That’s evil.”

“I don’t understand Sen. Johnson’s unwillingness to even question anything that Trump has done and is doing,” Brenda Ness of Sauk Prairie told Petri when it was her turn. 

Several brought up the funding freeze and registered their opposition to Elon Musk’s access to the U.S. Treasury payment system, suggesting that granting him that access was illegal.

Petri replied to one of Johnson’s constituents that Johnson “is in support of the president’s efforts to put as much light on where our government is spending its money.” 

Asked  why the court orders halting the freeze didn’t seem to have an effect, Petri responded, “I think what you’re seeing is the administration moving quickly with [Trump’s] directives and decisions.” 

“And then you’re seeing the federal court system rule and either block some things or issue injunctions against some things,” he added, “and then, ultimately, Congress will take steps to ensure that the law is being followed.”


Head Start funding holds persist for some programs in Wisconsin

By: Erik Gunn
A bipartisan bill introduced in Congress last July to expand the child and dependent care tax credit, which is meant to offset the cost of child care for working families, has not yet had a hearing. (Getty Images)

Children and a teacher sit at a table at a child care center. In Wisconsin, at least five Head Start child care centers have not yet gotten funds they've applied for from the federal government despite having incurred the expenses the money would cover. (Getty Images)

At least five Wisconsin Head Start child care programs for low-income families have reported that they’re still unable to collect federal funds to cover their routine costs in the last two weeks.

On Thursday, Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) sent a letter to Trump administration officials demanding they address the unexplained halt in payments.

“It continues to be a very significant problem,” said Jenny Mauer, executive director of the Wisconsin Head Start Association, the membership organization of Wisconsin’s 39 Head Start providers. Mauer said that as of late Thursday afternoon, at least five of those providers have not yet been able to receive payments for routine expenses submitted under their contractual agreements with the federal government.

The funding halt coincided with a broad freeze ordered by the Trump administration in federal grant and loan disbursement starting the last week of January.

Administration officials said the funding freeze did not include Head Start funds. Despite those assertions, Since Tuesday, Jan. 28, Head Start programs in Wisconsin and across the country have reported being unable to get paid through the online portal that processes their routine payment draw requests. 

The delays have persisted a week after two federal court orders to the administration to lift its freeze on payments.

“Up until Monday last week, these were not issues that our programs experienced,” Mauer told the Wisconsin Examiner on Thursday afternoon. She said Head Start directors around the state who have been with the program for up to a decade have confirmed the current problem is unprecedented.

“Typically we have really stellar communications with the Office of Head Start,” Mauer said. “Typically things work very smoothly.”

Fond du Lac program: 10 days without payment

In the lower Fox Valley, a three-county community action agency in Fond du Lac has yet to receive a payment for monthly Head Start expenses submitted 10 days ago.

ADVOCAP provides community services for Fond du Lac, Winnebago and Green Lake counties, including operating a Head Start child care program with three centers in Fond du Lac County and one in Green Lake County. The centers combined enroll 202 children, serving 191 families. 

April Mullins-Datko, ADVOCAP’s Head Start director, said the program’s expenses for January were submitted on Tuesday, Jan. 28 through the federal payment management system website. The expenses are usually about $250,000 a month.

Instead of the usual automatic acknowledgement message when the information is uploaded, “we got a ‘pending review’ message,” Mullins-Datko told the Wisconsin Examiner. 

She is accustomed to seeing the payment deposited in the agency’s account in 24 to 48 hours. As of Thursday, however, “we still cannot access our funding,” Mullins-Datko said. “This morning, the payment management website is not even online. It’s having a pretty big impact.”

On Wednesday, ADVOCAP released a statement outlining the halt in funds and its potential impact on the program. 

“ADVOCAP is doing everything in our power to continue providing uninterrupted Head Start programming while we await resolution. However, if the funding delay extends into next month, we will need to assess the implications for the future of our program,” the agency’s statement said. 

ADVOCAP’s current Head Start contract with the federal government runs through Dec. 31, 2028, Mullins-Datko said. The federal rules for the grant require the recipient agency to incur the expense, then submit those documents for reimbursement. Usually “it’s dependable. It’s just recently that it’s not,” she said.

Mullins-Datko said she has tried contacting federal Head Start staff in Chicago and Washington, D.C., but received no response. 

“Right now we’re having to start February services without cash flow coming in,” she said. “Currently we’re staying open, but we’re running on a line of credit that only goes so far.”

The vast majority of families the ADVOCAP Head Start program serves — 93% — “are working families,” Mullins-Datko said. “They’re working and trying their very best to make ends meet.”

In December, some child care providers in the Fond du Lac area closed, she added. “Child care is already difficult to find, and it’s very expensive,” Mullins-Datko said. Without Head Start, “Our families wouldn’t have access to child care.”

Reaching out to lawmakers

Mullins-Datko said she made 39 calls to the offices of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)  and U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Glenbeuhlah), as well as Baldwin.

On Thursday, a member of Baldwin’s staff called her, several days after her first inquiry. “They let me know that they’ve been flooded with calls and they apologized for not getting back sooner,” Mullins-Datko said. “Still no access to funds, but I remain hopeful.”

She said she has not heard back from the other lawmakers, however.

In a letter Thursday to Dorothy Fink, acting secretary of the federal Department of Health and Human Services, and Tala Hooban, acting Head Start director, Baldwin called attention to the persistence of the delays.

“Head Start programs in Wisconsin are continuing to have problems accessing their funds, which raises continued uncertainty about their ability to keep their doors open,” Baldwin wrote. “This is unacceptable and requires your immediate attention.”

Baldwin demanded an accounting of directives from the Trump administration in freezing funds as well as directives after the court orders to suspend the freeze. 

She also demanded information on the number of Head Start grant recipients who had trouble or were unable to access the payment system from Jan. 28 on, as well as details on the reasons recipients were unable to get access to the system. 


A decentralized demonstration draws hundreds to Wisconsin Capitol to protest Trump

By: Erik Gunn

Protesters rally Wednesday outside the Wisconsin Capitol building in Madison. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

Julie Mankowski was alarmed from the day Donald Trump took the oath of office on Jan. 20 and followed it with a flurry of executive orders and other actions: He erased U.S. policy references to gender diversity, withdrew the U.S. from the Paris climate accords, pardoned people convicted in the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol insurrection.

“I knew it was going to accelerate,” Mankowski told the Wisconsin Examiner Wednesday, “and I did not want them to keep their foot on that gas.”

That is why she was out on the steps of the Wisconsin state Capitol Wednesday, holding a sign declaring “Forward!” — one of hundreds who showed up to protest the actions that Trump and his associates have taken in the first two and a half weeks of his administration.

People at the rally brandished home-made signs with no shortage of issues on which to call out the 47th president of the United States. 

Signs supported the rights of LGBTQ+ people, especially those who are trans and gender-nonconforming. Signs promoted reproductive rights. Signs decried fascism and equated Trump with Nazis.

Protesters paraded around the Capitol Square that surrounds the state Capitol building in Madison Wednesday. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

Signs attacked Project 2025 — the Heritage Foundation document that Trump denied any connection to during his campaign but has been widely seen as foretelling much of the president’s actions since he took office, including the freezing of federal funds.

Signs defended immigrants — targeted by tough new deportation orders and Trump’s attempt, blocked by a federal judge on Wednesday, to undo the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of birthright citizenship.

 And many signs attacked Elon Musk, the billionaire to whom Trump has given access to an increasingly large chunk of the government, most notably the federal payments system. One called for deporting the South African-born Musk.

A peaceful and raucous demonstration

The event was both peaceful and raucous. There were no organized counter demonstrators evident, although one or two arguments erupted with lone Trump supporters who worked their way into the crowd.

A small collection of speakers addressed the gathering crowd on the west steps of the Capitol facing Madison’s iconic State Street.

One led the crowd in a brief round of singing John Lennon’s anthem, “Give Peace a Chance.” Several reminded the crowd of upcoming spring elections — a primary election Feb. 18 and a general election for the next state Supreme Court justice on April 1.

That prompted a brief chant of the name of Susan Crawford, the Dane County judge endorsed by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin (in what’s officially a nonpartisan race) and viewed as the bulwark against returning the Court’s majority from four liberals to four conservatives.

Mankowski was the last speaker of the group, alternating between an uncooperative public address system microphone and a bullhorn.

“We are here because we are facing a threat to our collective existence,” she said. “We are facing a threat to our democracy and to our freedom.”

She spoke of the hundreds who were there, and countless more who didn’t show up.

“Every single person here is in pain. They’re afraid, they’re angry,” Mankowski said. “There are people who are not here, who are so afraid they couldn’t bring themselves to come.”

The crowd cheered her on, but she sought as well to break through to those whose cheers masked their anxiety and whose anxiety paralyzed their will. Everyone should feel welcome at a protest such as this one, she told them. Everyone should feel permission to raise their voice.

“Every single thing that you can possibly do, you do,” Mankowski said. “It doesn’t matter how small it is. It doesn’t matter how little of an impact you think it will have. It will have an impact. We all — we all must be — we all must be grains of sand in the gears of tyranny.”

The eyes of the world are on the United States, she said.

“There are so many people in the world right now who are watching us. They’re watching America. Because if it gets a hold here, where are they going now? I do not want a legacy of fascism to be a legacy of our country,” Mankowski said.

Parade around the Capitol

A parade around the Capitol followed, with a crowd large enough to stretch more than five blocks — three sides of Capitol Square that surrounds the building.

Afterward, while a portion of the group continued part way down State Street, Mankowski stayed back and talked about her decision to join Wednesday’s protest. 

An optician in Madison, Mankowski is accustomed to social activism. She took a role in putting together a July 4 demonstration that followed the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2022 overturning Roe v. Wade.

Julie Mankowski, a participant and speaker at Wednesday’s Capitol protest against the Trump administration. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

“I’m not shy about what I believe in and I think that being quiet about what we believe in is how we start to get separated from one another,” she said.

She joined an impromptu protest outside the Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 29, and returned over the weekend. By then she’d heard about the protest planned for Wednesday — a loosely organized collection of events that were supposed to take place at noon in all 50 states.

Across the country in the days leading up to Wednesday, word spread on social media about the day of protests. Skepticism spread as well, as people questioned the absence of endorsements from high-profile organizations.

The fact-checking site posted an article Tuesday quoting a subreddit moderator who said the protests were “completely decentralized” in planning and execution. In Madison, some standing activist groups made plans to join, then backed away, uncertain about the event’s credibility or safety.

By the time noon arrived on Capitol Square, however, hundreds of people had packed onto the concrete staircase and spilled over onto the grass-covered hillside in front of the building.

Mankowski said she understood why some people had been wary of Wednesday’s demonstration, considering the current climate in the country. 

She pointed especially to the Trump administration’s actions on immigration and birthright citizenship, plans to send deported immigrants to Guantanamo or to prisons in El Salvador, and the use of pictures from deportation actions “as functionally propaganda images.”

“Those are pictures of human beings,” she said. “It’s not numbers and stacks, that’s people that they are using as a tool to make more people afraid: ‘If we did it to them, it could happen to you.’”

“People are tense and they are on edge,” she said. “And when things like a protest announcement starts to happen, people don’t just think of what it could be for — they think about how it could be used against them, because they’re seeing many aspects of their lives being turned against them right now.”

People have lost trust in institutions, she said, and they aren’t even sure about their neighbors. “They feel unmoored.”

Mankowski sees voters as increasingly detached from politics and political news, a consequence, she says, of feeling disenfranchised. “In their mind their vote doesn’t count,” she said. “And realistically, people who want our democracy to fail want you to think your vote doesn’t count.”

The road away from that apathy, she believes, starts with authenticity and connection.

“Being real with people is the best way to reach people, because people are real,” Mankowski said. “Like, our lives are real, the things we’re experiencing are real, and showing them that you, too, are real and that you have real things in your life, things that you care about, that you care about them, that you care about the fact that they are in pain and that they are unhappy and that they are feeling detached from reality.”

She pointed to her poster, which celebrated “The Wisconsin Idea,” a historic vision of the state’s university system that expressed its role as serving everyone in the state. Wednesday’s demonstration, with all its informality and diversity, demonstrated that sense of inclusion, she suggested.

“This is supposed to be, we, the people of Wisconsin,” Mankowski said. “It is not actually an organization. It is the people of Wisconsin — whoever showed up on that day, you know, to do their work.”


Head Start child care funds stop for some providers, leaving them hanging

By: Erik Gunn

Children outside with a child care teacher at The Playing Field, a Madison child care center that participates in the federal Head Start program. (Courtesy of The Playing Field)

More than half a dozen child care centers that serve low-income families through the federal Head Start program have been waiting for more than a week to be repaid for expenses they’ve already incurred for payroll, supplies and food for the children in their care.

Head Start and Early Head Start are federally funded programs that provide early education and child care to children from low-income families. Wisconsin has 39 Head Start child care providers serving 16,000 children across the state and employing about 4,500 staff, said Jenny Mauer, executive director of the Wisconsin Head Start Association.

“The chaos and uncertainty have been deeply earth-shattering,” Mauer told the Wisconsin Examiner on Tuesday.

Mauer said providers across the state who receive federal grant payments for Head Start have seen delays in receiving their payments. She has been in touch with all 39 and, as of Tuesday, there were seven providers serving about 3,000 children that haven’t been paid by the federal government for at least a week, she said.

“This is going to get really serious if this doesn’t get resolved soon,” Mauer said. “We’re not getting much in the way of answers. We’re not getting good explanations about anything. It’s incredibly frustrating.”

The Head Start payments stopped at the same time that a Trump administration memo announced a week ago that a broad array of federal grant and loan payments would be suspended. Two federal judges have ordered the White House to halt the suspension in payments, but there have been widespread reports of funds that have still not been released.

“People think the freeze is over,” said Rep. Andrew Hysell (D-Sun Prairie), whose district includes a child care provider affected and who posted a Facebook video decrying the federal action. “Yet these [federal] agencies are not providing the funds.”

The National Head Start Association, a membership organization for Head Start child care providers, has reported similar problems across the country.

“We’re definitely not alone, that’s for sure,” Mauer said.

Reach Dane, a Madison child care agency that provides child care for about 1,000 children in Dane and Green counties, is waiting on $600,000 that the nonprofit is due from Head Start, said Jen Bailey, Reach Dane’s executive director. The organization had to tap into its bank line of credit after payments failed to come through in the last week.

The funds are needed to make payroll for Reach Dane’s staff of 250, including child care teachers, people in food service and bus drivers who pick up and drop off children in the program.

“We’re kind of flying blind in a chaos storm, trying to figure out what is happening and why,” said Bailey, who is also president of the Wisconsin Head Start Association board.

Federal payments to Head Start programs are reimbursements for expenses providers have already incurred. Providers are accustomed to logging into a federal portal, submitting the expense information and receiving a reimbursement in about 24 hours.

Reach Dane typically submits its requests for payment once a week or so, Bailey said. A week ago Monday, Reach Dane was unable to log in to the portal at all, however.

Late Tuesday, Jan. 28, the portal was once again accessible, and Reach Dane submitted a payment request. A second payment request was submitted on Friday, Jan. 31.

“We have not received either of those,” Bailey said Tuesday. “As of right now both still show as pending in the system.”

In addition to serving Head Start children through its own child care centers, Reach Dane also works with private child care providers who enroll children from low-income families.

One private partner is The Playing Field, a nonprofit that operates two child care centers in Madison, one of them on the city’s West Side where the enrollment includes Head Start children. Reach Dane pays The Playing Field monthly to cover its Head Start kids.

Participating in Head Start is part of The Playing Field’s mission, said Abbi Kruse, who founded The Playing Field a decade ago with the goal of creating “an early childhood education program that any family would choose for their child.” From the start the organization’s model was to enroll children “from really different socio-economic and racial backgrounds,” she said, overcoming segregation in all its forms.

At the West Side location, enrollment is about one-third children on scholarship, one-third children whose parents can afford the full cost, and one-third who are covered under Head Start or Early Head Start. “Without that funding, they could not attend our program,” Kruse said. “Without that funding, we definitely could not sustain our model.”

Providers, families spread the word in the Capitol for Evers’ child care investment

Kruse said that Reach Dane sends a Head Start payment once a month to The Playing Field, which received the February payment on Monday. But if Reach Dane can’t resume receiving its federal funds, “obviously that’s not sustainable for them to continue doing that,” she said.

Some of the children served by her organization are from families living in shelters, sleeping in cars or hotels for the unhoused, for example, Kruse said. They may rely on The Playing Field not just for child care but for meals and other support, such as parenting classes.

“There’s a lot of support for families in our model, and to rip that away from people is just cruel,” Kruse said.

Mauer said that providers unable to collect the federal funds they’re due are scrambling to meet the shortfall.

The federal government requires that recipients must disburse the money they get within three days after collecting it. “They’re not sitting on a set of federal reserves to pay people,” Mauer said. “This is money for service already rendered.”

Providers who are on the hook for funds “are doing everything they can to keep their doors open,” she said. “They’re talking to creditors, they’ve opened up lines of credit, they’re talking to community partners and moving things around.”

If Head Start providers don’t survive, the impact on employers could be severe.

“The majority of folks that come to Head Start are working families,” Mauer said. Without child care, “that would mean those parents would have to make tough choices. It’s a terrible situation.”


Providers, families spread the word in the Capitol for Evers’ child care investment

By: Erik Gunn

Heather Murray, flanked by state Rep. Alex Joers, left, speaks to reporters about Gov. Tony Evers' budget proposal for $500 million to support child care providers. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

Lawmakers, child care providers and families — and some of their kids — spread out through the state Capitol Tuesday, hoping to persuade lawmakers to support a $500 million state investment in child care in the budget proposal that Gov. Tony Evers will unveil later in February.

“This needs to happen now and it needs to be sustained,” said State Rep. Alex Joers (D-Middleton) at a news conference Tuesday morning in the Wisconsin Assembly parlor.

Heather Murray operates a child care center in Waunakee, north of Madison, that has a licensed capacity for 60 children, but she’s kept the enrollment at half that number because she cannot hire enough child care teachers.

“When I decided to start a center in my community, my goal was to make sure families could go to work and leave their children in a setting where they knew their child would be nurtured, educated and cared for during the most vulnerable time in their lives,” Murray said. “To provide these quality experiences for children, I need staff.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Wisconsin was able to use federal funds from the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to pay child care providers monthly stipends that helped them bolster wages for employees without having to raise the fees they charge parents.

The Child Care Counts funds, originally $20 million a month, were cut to half that amount in mid-2023. When the Republican majority in the state Legislature declined to pick up the tab for continuing the program in the 2023-25 state budget, Evers, a Democrat, reallocated some federal funds to extend the subsidy program through June 2025.

Murray said Child Care Counts allowed her to increase pay for child care teachers, but she has been unable to afford health benefits for her staff. When the state subsidy was cut in half, she said, she had to raise tuition 9%. Two families left her center because they couldn’t afford the higher rate.

“If these investments for early education do not remain in the governor’s budget, there’s a possibility I will need to raise my tuition by $65 per week per child, to keep my doors open and pay my staff the wages they are currently getting,” Murray said, adding that in surveys, Wisconsin providers have said they will have to raise their fees without government support.

“If providers keep raising tuition, the average working family will be priced out of child care in the state,” Murray said.

Split up into five groups of four each, Murray, parents and the children that accompanied them went to visit the offices of legislators, focusing on the 16 members of the powerful Joint Finance Committee, where the state budget will be written in late spring and early summer.

None of the committee’s Republican members made themselves available, Murray said in an interview a few hours later, although the group had an enjoyable conversation with two of the four Democrats on the committee. The children distributed placards that said “Invest in Us.”

“I’m hoping it gets some attention,” Murray said.


Wisconsin health insurance enrollment under the ACA again sets a record

By: Erik Gunn is operated by the Wisconsin Office of Insurance (OCI) to inform consumers seeking health insurance about their options, including BadgerCare and the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplace (Screenshot |

For the second year in a row, a record number of Wisconsinites signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, state officials announced Friday.

The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which tracks enrollment in health plans through the ACA, reported that 313,579 Wisconsin residents enrolled in insurance through the federal insurance marketplace during the open enrollment period from Nov. 1, 2024, to Jan. 15, 2025.

This year’s enrollment includes 47,250 more people than the 2024 open enrollment period, which set the previous record — an 18% increase, according to the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI).

The marketplace,, was created under the ACA for people to purchase individual or family health insurance policies if they don’t have health insurance coverage through an employer or other group and don’t qualify for Medicaid or Medicare.

Marketplace plans are sold by private insurance companies and must meet standards set under the ACA for comprehensive coverage. One of those is that people with a preexisting health condition cannot be denied coverage, charged higher rates or have their insurance coverage canceled.

For people who are currently enrolled, health insurance premium costs for ACA plans have been offset by federal subsidies, tied to a person’s income. The subsidies were expanded under the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. The increased subsidies will expire after this year unless Congress agrees to extend them.

A majority of Wisconsinites signing up for ACA plans have qualified for the subsidies and saved an average of $573 on their monthly insurance premiums, according to the office of Gov. Tony Evers.

Before Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul, both Democrats, took office in 2019, Wisconsin had been part of a multi-state lawsuit that sought to overturn the ACA. The health care law was enacted in 2010 under then-President Barack Obama.

Evers and Kaul withdrew Wisconsin from the lawsuit fighting the ACA, and the Evers administration has instead heavily promoted the program, including the creation of a health coverage information program and website, WisCovered, a joint project of the state’s insurance and health departments.

With President Donald Trump returning to the White House, however, the ACA’s future has been uncertain. Trump tried unsuccessfully to abolish the program in his first term in office, and during the 2024 campaign said he would replace it, but has never offered a clear alternative plan.

In a statement, Evers cited the increased popularity of the ACA as a reason to ensure it remains intact.

“Health care should not be a privilege only afforded to the healthy and the wealthy, and the Affordable Care Act has been transformational for millions, including Wisconsinites who have pre-existing conditions,” Evers said. “This record enrollment proves just how important it is that we continue to defend and protect access to healthcare, close our uninsured gap, and support programs that help make a real difference in the lives of folks and families across our state.”


Democrat Pocan says Trump’s federal funding freeze foreshadows April tax cut battle

By: Erik Gunn

U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Town of Vermont) points to a wall where he has posted printouts listing the budget line items of all the programs reportedly frozen this week after a memo was issued by the Trump administration. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

This week’s drama over a federal funding freeze is the precursor to a battle in April over federal tax cuts that Democrats are bracing for, according to U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan.

The Wisconsin Democrat met with reporters Thursday, with most of the session focusing on the move by President Donald Trump’s administration earlier this week to suspend the disbursement of federal grant and loan funds.

Even with a federal court order that’s supposed to be blocking the suspension, Pocan said his office and those of his congressional colleagues are hearing from constituents who have been locked out of funding or are worried about its impact on them.

“We’re getting these calls right now — lots and lots of calls,” Pocan said, including from nonprofits that worry they might have to shut down and from funding recipients who have been shut out from online portals through which they’re supposed to receive payments.

“Even though we’re told it’s not happening, it is happening, and they can’t get the funds that they’re [expecting],” Pocan said.

Printouts of the budget line items that U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan says have been affected by the freeze in federal fund disbursement ordered by the Trump administration earlier this week. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

Pocan, whose district includes Wisconsin’s capital, prepped for the media session by filling a conference room wall in his Madison office with printouts of budget line items affected by the Trump administration’s suspension. He said he got the list of items from a New York Times report.

“When he said he was going to freeze funding to 2,600 different federal lines, that’s what’s [on] the wall right there,” Pocan said.

“We’re getting calls from university researchers” worried about National Institutes of Health grants being frozen, he said. “And if you disrupt research in the middle of it, you’ve lost all the money that you put into some of that research.”

His office has heard from a wide range of other federal funds recipients.

“We’re getting K-12 schools who are still going to lose money for their lunch programs, worried about what they’re going to do — and this is for kids who often this is the only meal that they’re getting during the day,” Pocan said.

Also on the list, he said, are funds that include rural broadband projects, disaster aid, the Small Business Administration and a USDA dairy innovation project — one that Pocan said had bipartisan support from two Wisconsin lawmakers, Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Republican U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden.

How the suspension unfolded echoed what Trump said this past summer, “when he talked in the debate about having a concept of a plan of health care,” Pocan said. “I think pretty much that’s how he operates — he doesn’t have plans, but he has concepts of plans, which often don’t execute.”

At the same time, though, he said the details reflected Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation document that circulated last year as a blueprint for a second Trump term, even though Trump disavowed it during the campaign.

“If you have any question of what they might do, I would look at Project 2025,” Pocan said. “It’s very clear that that is the guiding document for much of what they’re doing.”

Beyond the current turmoil, however, Pocan, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, said the episode foreshadows what Democratic congressional leaders expect will be a major budget  bill in April. They foresee legislation that will extend and magnify the tax cuts that Trump and Congress enacted in 2017, during the president’s first term, and the broad swath of programs caught up in the suspension would be the price, he said.

“This is setting up the cuts for getting funding to give a tax break to those who can afford to go to Mar-A-Lago and the billionaires that were attending the inaugural and all the tech folks,” Pocan said.

“Part of it is just this awful idea that you’re going to cut things that help real people to the degree that you need to” to pay for extending the 2017 tax cuts, he added, pegging the estimate at $4 trillion.

“It would take that, plus they’re talking about lowering the corporate tax rate and a whole lot of other things,” Pocan said. “But everything that’s here is affecting people in the district and across the country for the most part.”

He predicted that the impact wouldn’t be limited to people who don’t support the president. “I guarantee there’s a lot of people who are Trump voters who are going to be very negatively impacted by the cuts that he wants to do in order to give Elon Musk a tax break,” he said.

Congressional Democrats are mapping a three-part response — “litigation, communication — talking about what’s here — and the appropriations process,” Pocan said. “We will probably be doing a lot to highlight this.”

He expects that to be a “the determinative vote for Congress coming up in the Trump administration,” Pocan said. “Because if you vote for a reconciliation bill, it has a giant tax break, and you’re taking that money from lower income folks and people of average income in the district by cutting programs like this.”


Hagedorn recuses himself as Supreme Court appears ready to hear Act 10 challenge

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Brian Hagedorn questions an attorney during oral arguments in January 2025. (Screenshot/WisEye)

A Wisconsin Supreme Court justice who helped write Act 10 recused himself Thursday as the high court signaled it was preparing to take up a legal challenge to the 2011 law limiting public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

After a Dane County judge struck down Act 10 in December, the plaintiffs — a teachers union — filed a motion with the state Supreme Court to bypass the Wisconsin Court of Appeals and take up the case directly. 

On Thursday, the Court issued an order related to that motion, granting a request from Republican leaders of the state Legislature to intervene and file a response to the bypass request. The Court set a Feb. 5 deadline for the response. 

Along with Thursday’s order, Justice Brian Hagedorn issued an order recusing himself from taking part in the case. Hagedorn previously served as legal counsel to Republican Gov. Scott Walker and helped draft the bill that became Act 10, then defended it against a federal court challenge. 

In December, a Dane County judge ruled that parts of the law are unconstitutional because it treats similar types of state employees differently. The law retained collective bargaining rights for police officers, but excluded the state Capitol Police officers, conservation wardens and correctional officers. 

“Act 10 as written by the Legislature specifically and narrowly defines ‘public safety employee,’” Judge Jacob Frost wrote. “It is that definition which is unconstitutional.”

In his recusal order Thursday, Hagedorn acknowledged his role in shaping and defending the law. 

“Members of the judiciary take a solemn oath to be independent and impartial,” Hagedorn wrote. “Our duty is to call it straight in every case, with neither partiality nor prejudice toward anyone. The law must guide our decisions — not politics, tribalism, or personal policy views.” 

“After reviewing the filings and the various ethical rules I am sworn to uphold, I have concluded that the law requires me to recuse from this case,” he continued. “The issues raised involve matters for which I provided legal counsel in both the initial crafting and later defense of Act 10, including in a case raising nearly identical claims under the federal constitution.”

Hagedorn also noted that many of the legal arguments in the current challenge are similar to those made in the 2011 federal case. 

Justice Janet Protasiewicz, who had previously said she may recuse herself from an Act 10 case because she participated in protests against the legislation as it was pending, did not participate in the decision to accept the case, but she did not release an order saying she’d recuse herself. 

Both Hagedorn and Protasiewicz had faced calls for recusal in the case. Protasiewicz had also faced threats of impeachment from Republican legislators in a previous case about the state’s legislative maps. 

In his order, Hagedorn warned about the politicization of the recusal process.

“In my view, recusal on this court should be rare — done only when the law requires it,” he wrote. “Going beyond that can create problems. We have seen how recusal can be weaponized by parties seeking a litigation advantage.”

In response to the Court’s order Thursday on the Legislature’s petition to intervene, Justice Rebecca Bradley and Chief Justice Annette Ziegler dissented. 

They, along with Hagedorn, have also dissented in several Supreme Court decisions to bypass lower courts and take up cases after the court’s majority flipped in 2023 from four conservative justices to four liberal ones.

Bradley, writing Thursday’s dissent, pointed out that the state Legislature had asked for a two-week extension to respond to the bypass petition, and was instead given three business days. 

“There is absolutely no reason to deny the Legislature’s request, unless three members of this court wish to fast track yet another politically charged case for the purpose of overturning settled law on an issue already decided by this court eleven years ago,” Bradley wrote.

The dispute over Act 10 is set to play a major role in this April’s Supreme Court election between Dane County Judge Susan Crawford and Waukesha County Judge Brad Schimel, who was state attorney general during Walker’s second term.


Wisconsin joins legal effort to preserve tougher requirements for lead in water

By: Erik Gunn

Then-President Joe Biden visited Milwaukee in October 2024 to announced a new rule requiring the replacement of all lead water pipes in the U.S. by 2037. On Wednesday, Attorney General Josh Kaul announced Wisconsin is joining nine other states and D.C. to defend the rule. (Oct. 8, 2024 screenshot/White House livestream)

Wisconsin has joined with nine other states and the District of Columbia to defend the federal lead and copper water rule that took effect Dec. 30, tightening standards for lead exposure and requiring water systems across the county to replace lead pipes by 2037.

The new rule, which then-President Joe Biden announced in Milwaukee in October, has been challenged by the American Water Works Association, a trade group for water and wastewater utilities.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice announced Wednesday the state was joining the legal effort to intervene in the lawsuit in support of the rule. Other states in the coalition are California, New York, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey and North Carolina, along with D.C.

“Reducing lead in our drinking water shouldn’t be controversial,” Attorney General Josh Kaul said. “This common-sense rule that helps protect people’s health should remain in place.”

Lead exposure has been identified as a health hazard, especially for children, and has been linked to premature birth, damage during brain development and learning disabilities, delayed physical development in children and cardiovascular and kidney problems in adults. No amount of lead in drinking water is safe, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

On Tuesday, Gov. Tony Evers approved an emergency rule from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) to lower the threshold for lead poisoning to 3.5 micrograms per deciliter. The change makes more children and families eligible for intervention to diagnose and treat lead poisoning.

Evers has announced plans to seek a $6.2 million increase for local health departments, some of that to address lead poisoning, in the 2025-27 state budget that he will release in February.


Former U.S. Capitol officer criticizes Schimel comments on Jan. 6 defendants

By: Erik Gunn

Harry Dunn, a former U.S. Capitol Police officer, speaks Tuesday at a press conference about the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection. With him are, from left, Sam Liebert of All Voting is Local and Nick Ramos of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

A former U.S. Capitol Police officer who survived the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack said Tuesday the insurrection must not be forgotten four years later — and candidates running for election now should face up to what happened then.

“This attempt to whitewash, downplay, normalize what happened on Jan. 6 is ongoing and shows no signs of letting up,” said Harry Dunn during a meeting with reporters in Madison.

Criticizing Republicans who have urged Democrats and the public “to move on from Jan. 6,” Dunn said the attack met the definition of an insurrection — “a violent uprising against the government. Full stop.”

“That’s what Jan. 6 was,” he added. “The police officers just happened to be in the way. But anybody that fails to accept that, acknowledge that for what that was, deserves to be called out, condemned.”

Pro-democracy advocates arranged for Dunn to speak to the press in the state Capitol building and deliberately chose one particular meeting room on the third floor — 300 South, the same room used by Republican fake electors in December 2020 who filled out false electoral votes choosing Donald Trump as the Wisconsin winner of an election that he lost.

The fake elector scheme “was hatched in Wisconsin and launched from here to the rest of the United States,” said Scott Thompson, a staff attorney for Law Forward, at Tuesday’s press conference.

The nonprofit law firm sued Wisconsin’s fake electors and won a settlement in which they acknowledged in writing they had tried “to improperly overturn the 2020 presidential elections results.” The scheme culminated in the Capitol attack on Jan. 6, Thompson said.  

“The events of Jan. 6, 2021, were not just an attack on a building or a single moment in time, but they were an attack on our collective voice as voters,” said Sam Liebert, Wisconsin director of the voting rights group All Voting is Local Action. “The insurrection was a brazen and egregious attempt to silence millions of Americans nationwide to overturn the results of a free and fair election through violence and intimidation.”

Four years later in 2024 Trump won the U.S. popular vote, including a 30,000-vote majority in Wisconsin, returning him to the White House effective Jan. 20. There one of his first acts was to pardon more than 1,500 people charged in the Jan. 6 attack.

Dunn’s visit to Wisconsin focused on Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brad Schimel’s comments about the Jan. 6 defendants, including during a recent radio interview. Schimel is a Waukesha County circuit court judge and former Wisconsin attorney general.

In a Jan. 2 appearance on the Vicki McKenna show, Schimel said that Jan. 6 defendants didn’t have “a fair shot” when they were tried and blamed “lawfare manipulation” for the conviction of defendants in the attack.

Schimel suggested they would have been acquitted had they not been put on trial in “overwhelmingly liberal” Washington, D.C., and that the prosecutors appointed under the Democratic administration “would never take their prosecution in a district where you had a fair shot as a defendant.”

The federal government prosecuted the rioters in Washington because the city is where the U.S. Capitol is located.

Nick Ramos, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, mentioned Schimel’s radio interview before introducing Dunn.

“Four years ago, far-right mobs swarmed the Capitol, assaulted officers and tried to overturn the will of voters,” said Ramos. “It’s pretty straightforward, and yet Schimel, our former attorney general, still thinks these people weren’t given a fair shot and their trials were political gamesmanship.”

Dunn said he’s taken an interest in Wisconsin’s Supreme Court race because of Schimel’s comments.

“I’ve been fighting for accountability from day one,” Dunn said. He holds Donald Trump primarily responsible for the riot.

“That accountability won’t happen,” he said. But he added that he also wants to hold accountable “public officials who believe that Donald Trump’s pardoning of these individuals was OK” — including Schimel.

“I don’t know Brad Schimel’s positions on policy on anything else, except for that he is OK with supporting the rioters who attacked me and my coworkers, period,” Dunn said. “And that is not OK — and that’s what’s bringing me here.”

During a news conference Monday featuring his endorsement by Wisconsin Republican members of Congress, Schimel accused prosecutors of overcharging some Jan. 6 defendants until the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the law under which they were charged didn’t apply to them.

He also said that “anyone who engaged in violence and Jan. 6, assaulted a police officer, resisted arrest, those people should have been prosecuted … and judges should impose sentences that are just under the circumstances.”

Schimel also defended the president’s power to issue pardons: “It’s a power they have. I don’t object to them utilizing that.”

Dunn was asked Tuesday about Schimel’s comments.

“If you believe that the individuals who attacked police officers should serve their sentence, then the only response to Donald Trump’s pardons should be that they’re wrong,” Dunn replied. “He should not pardon them — and those words did not come out of [Schimel’s] mouth. So he’s attempting to play both sides.”

In an interview, Dunn said he’s kept going despite disappointment at Trump’s 2024 victory because “I believe in doing what’s right.”

That’s what led him to become a police officer, he said, and after the Capitol attack, to mount an unsuccessful campaign for Congress. He also has a political action committee, raising funds to support political candidates who are pro-democracy, he said.

Dunn acknowledged that some who opposed the president have given up in despair while others have become embittered toward Trump voters.

“I’ve seen people say, ‘You know what? This is what you all voted for. You get what you deserve,’” he said. “There are a lot of people who did not vote for this, that are going to be impacted by the things that Donald Trump and this administration are going to do, and I believe they deserve somebody that’s going to fight for them.”

There will be elections this year, in 2026 and 2028, all opportunities for change, “so I encourage people,” Dunn said. “And I think part of my work is to make sure people are educated before Election Day and not outraged after Election Day.”

